Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Welcoming

Well, welcome to my blog, I'll be updating this as frquently as I can (sorry).

I've decided to use blogspot based on preference of friends and ease of use, so now that the choice is made, get ready for some reading (Actually this first post will be relatively short).

There been a lot going on my in life as of late, and a few people know the details, but it's all been pretty difficult, so one thing that I'm hoping to do is relieve stress through the art of journalism (as loosely as this is related). I used to write all the time and I enoyed it, so i figure, back to the basics, right?

I guess I could include a little about myself in this first post, couldn't I? Let's see... well, for starters, I'm James. I'm 27 years old, I married my high-school sweetheart, and we've been married for 5 years, we have 2 little girls, Victoria, 3 and Alexandria, 1 and we have another child on the way. Lyndsay and I do the Gaming Together podcast, and ironically as of late, don't get to game together that much. I am the Director of Information Technology at a local hospital, and I thoroughly enjoy my job.

You can catch me on Xbox Live via GT MerlinGLX.

More to Come.

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