Thursday, March 25, 2010

Time, she is a four leaf clover

four-leaf-clover Well, as I’m sure you’ve noticed from my lack of updates, time is a thing I can’t seem to find enough of lately. I did manage to squeeze in the completion of Uncharted on the PS3, but that was mainly because of the fact that Lyndsay got into the story and needed closure. I plan on making her watch me start Uncharted 2. :)

Episode 17 of Gaming together has been delayed because of babies and lack of time to record, but that’s nothing new, right? The good news is  there are some great changes to the podcast coming that allow for a better, more timely podcast. By Timely of course I mean at least every two weeks.

I find myself scrambling to get anything done lately, but from the rumors i hear, this will continue to get worse as the kids get older (and as I do too). Structure, that’s what my home schedule needs. Also I need a clone.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Girls


Three little girls, what am I going to do? Well, for now I’m going to enjoy my beautiful girls and later (teenage years) I’m going to forbid them to date. :)

The new big sisters are doing great, Victoria is being very careful, and Alexandria is blowing kisses from a distance and keeping people she doesn’t know away from her new responsibility. Lyndsay is worried that the girls will end up fighting over who gets to hold her, much like they do with their baby dolls now, but i think that somehow they know that they can’t do that, but time will prove me right or wrong.

Friday, March 12, 2010

New Baby Here!


Madison Christine Riggs was born on March 12, 2010 at 4:30PM. She was 7 lbs 6 oz and 19 1/2 in long.

Madison is currently asleep next to me and Lyndsay. Hopefully we will be released tomorrow afternoon, but all in all, it’s been a great start to spring break 2010. More to come, I’m going to sleep now.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Waiting Game

012 Ready.. Set… Wait. Contractions have started, the induction medicine is in place, now… we wait.

On the bright side, Lyndsay and I are getting to spend a lot of quality time together, she has mentioned several times that she wishes we brought the Xbox 360, but I can see her holding the controller trying to see past the doctor’s head to play a game while in active labor.

I didn’t bring my psp, but I don’t think that Lyndsay would have enjoyed the two games i own for it. I’m spending most of my time blogging about our new baby, or taking pictures and video of Lyndsay – I think she’s getting tired of the cameras, but no matter, the show must go on.

Woohoo Process has started!


Well, we are in the hospital, waiting for the doctor to start the induction process. I’ll be updating sporadically over the next few days, but look for lots of pictures!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Countdown

Well, Thursday we go in to start the induction, so hopefully by Friday morning we will have a baby! Well, a third baby. This will be girl number three. So, yeah. Lyndsay and I are on our way to the brady bunch, we just need the three boys.

I'm considering doing a live blog with the birth, well, as live as i can be (I've got to put the computer down at some point). I haven't ran it past Lyndsay, but I think it'll fly. :) Madison Christine is going to be here soon, so I better get all the cameras and lighting ready.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Well, for those of you that listen to Gaming Together, you know we are expanding, and so far things seem to be going well. There is a huge site update that I've been planning and practicing implementation for a while now, but I think I hit a brick wall the other day, a big enough wall to make me question the updates, so yeah, hello square one.

Lyndsay will be having our third child any day now, so it's quite the waiting game around our house. Three girls will be a challenge, but considering how much joy the first two have brought, I can't wait for the third. :)

Episode 17 will be out soon for Gaming Together, all that lacks is recording, editing and posting. :|

Till later
