Monday, August 30, 2010


I'll finish this blog entry later.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Literary, Word.

I'm starting to get back into that feeling that I need to write, so you'll probably see a lot more blog entries soon, be forewarned. This desire, however, doesn't stop at just the blog, I've been continuing my short stories, and even have a book (I know, wow) in my mind and slightly in digital format.

Today was one of those days where I question how good of a father I actually am. My two oldest daughters and I were left alone while Lyndsay and the baby went to the school to work on paperwork. We had our ups and downs during that 4 hours, but Lyndsay has assured me that I did fine and that the girls are like that (you know, crazy) with her as well. All in all we had a good day, I was going to take them to the movies, but they both had some sniffles and coughs so I didn't want to chance them giving unto others. Plus they were crazy.

All in all good day, got very little accomplished, other than getting a few tiles up in the master bathroom, I didn't get anything done. I did watch enough Spongebob and Inspector Gadget (and even PiPi Longstocking too) to last me for a few months, although I know I'll get another dose very soon. Thanks Netflix.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Holy Crapola Batman, you're fat!

Well, I've finally realized it, thanks for all of you not telling me. I've gained weight. About 40 pounds (in a 10 year span), and I ned to loose about 40 of it.

I'm trying to decide how I want to loose it, but the obvious diet change is not one of my favorite options at this point. I've been toying around with getting a FitBit and tracking my foot intake from their site and going from there, but I'm not completely sure I'll stick to tracking all my food, so it might not be the best option. I've been looking at the Nike + iPod thing too, but i don't have a compatible iPhone\iPod so i'd need to by another, and you know - maybe that investment would make me that much more motivated to see it work.

One thing I'm going to do is post weekly progress photos, which should motivate me more than anything.

Looks like I'm going to break out the weight lifting set and the boxing equipment again!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Too busy, yet looking for more...

Ok, so with all I've got going on, you know work, kids, wife, and the podcast, Lyndsay and I have took up RPGs, you know like Dungeons and Dragons, and it's great fun, but it almost seems as if we don't have time to sleep sometimes, and to top it off, we are now full force into remodeling our bathroom. I'l keep you updated on the status of all this, but I wanted to post a quick update about how much time i don't have. :)