Sunday, August 29, 2010

Literary, Word.

I'm starting to get back into that feeling that I need to write, so you'll probably see a lot more blog entries soon, be forewarned. This desire, however, doesn't stop at just the blog, I've been continuing my short stories, and even have a book (I know, wow) in my mind and slightly in digital format.

Today was one of those days where I question how good of a father I actually am. My two oldest daughters and I were left alone while Lyndsay and the baby went to the school to work on paperwork. We had our ups and downs during that 4 hours, but Lyndsay has assured me that I did fine and that the girls are like that (you know, crazy) with her as well. All in all we had a good day, I was going to take them to the movies, but they both had some sniffles and coughs so I didn't want to chance them giving unto others. Plus they were crazy.

All in all good day, got very little accomplished, other than getting a few tiles up in the master bathroom, I didn't get anything done. I did watch enough Spongebob and Inspector Gadget (and even PiPi Longstocking too) to last me for a few months, although I know I'll get another dose very soon. Thanks Netflix.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Lyndsey is telling you the truth... kids just act crazy sometimes.. okay most of the time. I bet your a fab Dad James. No worries :)
