Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend Warrior? Not Close Yet

Well, this weekend we had plenty of visitors, so I didn't have much time to work on things, either around the house or with the site, so this update may not be interesting.

I'm always glad when we have company, and this weekend we had a lot, so I was very happy. Lyndsay's Mother and Step-Dad came from Mississippi to visit for a few days, and we had a great time. Friday night, Lyndsay's friend Lena and her husband John came over, and I'm glad to say, I think we have now made life long family friends. Saturday Night, We had a houseful for a little while, Lyndsay's Mom & Step-Dad, Her Uncle Bubby, Aunt Pat and cousin George, my mother and father and Lena, John and their son, Daniel. We just visited for a while, but it was a great time. I didn't take pictures (I know, not like me), but next time I will, promise.

Now back to all the work i didn't get done. Keep in mind the main project I'm working on is the Master Bathroom Remodel (which calling it a master bathroom is funny, it's small, yet attached to the master bedroom). Lyndsay has been noticing a little leak underneath the kitchen sink, last week she brought it to my attention, I tightened up a valve connection that I thought I traced it to, and went about my business. Yesterday morning Lyndsay brought it to my attention again, and I found that the cause of the leak was actually the faucet. Now this faucet was old and nasty, but it worked (even though it was white and didn't match the stainless sink) so I didn't see a need to replace it - until yesterday.

Lowes Trip - Got the New Faucet (which matched color as well), and a heavy duty scraper for removing the leftover adhesive on the floor in the bathroom (I already removed all the tile, except around the toilet).

Spent the next 2 hours after we got home installing the new faucet. Well, I spent 1.5 hours getting the old one out, and a half hour installing the new one. and isn't it beautiful?

Yes, it is. Working for 2 hours in a small cabinet with your hands above you wears you out quick, and it makes you sore for days. I didn't do anything to the bathroom Saturday, except test a small spot with the scraper, it worked, but i could tell that it was going to be a lot of work. :(

Sunday, Lyndsay's Mom and Step-Dad had to leave back for Mississippi, and a bit later, the kids were picked up by Lyndsay's Dad and Step-Mom to go to Church, so I figured that I'd take Lyndsay, head to Lowes and pickup the stuff she needed to "Paper Bag" the walls. Long story short, nobody there knew much about the process, and we hope we got the stuff that'll make it work. if not, I can always tile the whole wall (currently only plan to go up about 4 foot). The trip to Ardmore took a lot longer than expected, and I ended up buying some more Dungeons and Dragons1 accessories.

Among the two Lowes trips Sunday I did buy a new doorknob (that locks) for the Guest bathroom. I wish I had did this before our guests were over, because every time someone would go to the bathroom, a curious child would often follow them in, or open the door at very inopportune moments. Isn't it beautiful as well?

Nothing fancy, but it maintains privacy, and that's very important.

Now, a breif update on the bathroom. Got all the tile pieces picked up, all the other debris vacuumed up, and started scraping up the remaining tile adhesive. almost done, but wow, it wears you out very, very quickly.

Trust me, on the "Paper Bagging" the walls, I'll include a lot of updates, as I'm curious myself how it's going to turn out. Hope Lyndsay does her research on that part. (Love you, Honey)

  1. Ok, I need to clear up the air here. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is not a devil cult thing. It's basically a board game where you fight bad guys. It's like playing with GI Joes. Think of Cobra as the bad guys your fighting in D&D.


  1. Making and finding friends that you click with really well is hard these days. Everyone is too busy to slow down and make friends so it's great when you find someone who is :)

    I have kitchen sink envy. We live in a very old house and my kitchen is a very worn down, white porcelain sink.

    Your doing awesome on the home improvements James! Keep it up!


  2. Hey, someday you guys should come over! I think that would be a good night for Scene it, or rock band. :)
