Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's been a while...

A lot has happened to me lately.  I had a seizure, was diagnosed with Epilepsy so that has cut down on some of my gaming time (well all of it). The doctor told me to try and fill me time with thins I enjoy… So I'm began a project that make two or three months and I'm being fairly secretive about it (except to my wife of course.

Luckily my bosses know that with new medication comes extreme tiredness so luckily the understand if I can stay awake for many hours at a time until i get used to the plethora of new meds. I'm hoping to spend some more time on my project, but who knows, it's a strange, strange world and I'm caught in the middle of it. Trust me more to come.

Hint on the Project:

Item in Progress

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