Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Busy Busy … Busy

Well, I've been busy. Busy writing, busy working, busy. I've been working on getting a copyright in place so that I can post the first chapter (or at least part of it) of my new book, so be sure to subscribe to my blog so that you'll get notified when it's ready.

I've been also working on the new Gaming Together site, and planning for a return of the podcast, but that might be farther off than anticipated. In addition to that, I've been designing some leather items that I'll be selling soon - some are gaming related, such as Nathan Drake's shoulder holster and Desmond Miles Backpack. The holster should be pretty close to the one in game, while the backpack will have a lot of modifications, including a slight color change. Let me know if you might be interested in that and I'll post sketches as well as tentative prices and shipping dates.

For those of you who don't know, I've gained some weight. I've learned that when someone says "You're looking healthy" that's a polite way to say "Hey, you're getting fat." I'm now on a diet, started at 215 and now I'm down to 212 (after 2 days), I think it's a fluke that so much loss has happened so fast, but I'm not questioning it.

While some of my other stories\books won't be leaving my computer for sometime, I've been working hard at securing a publisher for my current work, so I'm hoping to have it on shelves before the end of the year.

As I mentioned before, I plan on updating this more often, and I'm slowly living up to that, so please - stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Book

I just let Lyndsay read the first chapter of my new book, and after making her grammatical corrections (typical teacher) she said it almost made her cry. The book, which is complete fiction is a very emotional book and I didn't realize it was until she pointed it out. The first chapter is by far the least emotional, so if she does read the rest (and I expect her to) she may be an emotional wreck. For those of you who don't know, I am a writer, aspiring to be published, but for now, I am happy writing what I do, when I can. I have started my autobiography, but I figured I may still be too young to finish that one out, so I have it on the back burner, adding to it slowly. Now that I'm back in the swing of things on my blog, don't forget to subscribe! I will post the first chapter, but I need to secure the copyright first.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

More Regular...

I haven't been faithful to updating my blog. I realized the other day that I enjoy writing the blog wether or not anyone likes reading it. Don't get me wrong I am extremely happy that some people do, but I shouldn't be writing for approval, so I won't.

2012 was a pretty bad year for me, on a lot of levels, and while I'm not ready to go into details, lets just say that the last few months have been much better than the whole of  the year. The exception to this is the last week, which has been my time to endure strep throat. 

Here are a few of the things I've learned from 2012:

  • Never take anything for granted
  • Easy solutions aren't always the right ones
  • Take time for yourself, but not too much
  • Reevaluate your priorities often, make sure things are where they need to be

Sounds silly, but it is very effective.