Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Writing is easy, funding is hard

To say writing is easy is actually a lie, I should say that writing is easier that getting funding for publishing, at least for a new author. I understand that there is a doubt that the book will ever see the light of fluorescent in a book store, but I think that I'm worth the risk. However, this experience will surely lead to an essay called "I Wrote a Book and No One Read It".

I appreciate the current donations more than the donators probably realize, I think I'm starting to love them all, those with faith in me.

I have tried to spend as much time with my family, but there is a lot of time spent in my home office writing away or at our kitchen counter writing down notes. There is also the all too common waking up in the middle of the night because I had an idea that I needed to get in my notebook before it left my brain. Putting a price tag on my time is hard - but I think that over the course of writing this book (and all processes related) is worth well more than the $5,000 I'm seeking for publishing, which isn't for my time it's for me being able to publish my book so that the world (or at least the United States for now) can read and hopefully enjoy my story. It's a long 11 (probably 10 now) days, and my hope is low, so I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised. Please Help!