Saturday, March 30, 2013

Update on New Lifestyle, and Other Things

Well, even though it's Saturday, it's not any time for me to slack off. I rode the stationary bike for about 20 minutes, and walked around my property (the whole 2 acres) for another 10. Only reason I didn't ride the entire time was that it was getting too hot in my shop and I couldn't find my fan. I'll find it before I try to tackle my goal of 10 miles in one ride.

I'm still doing well on being borderline vegan, so I'm hoping that I'll be alright during the Easter Feasts to come tomorrow. I did cooked Eggs and Bacon for the family for breakfast, both of which I won't eat (meat and\or diary). I did sneak in almond milk in the eggs instead of regular milk. ;)

With all the exercising and stuff I've been doing, I've not bragged on my carpentry skills:


My side of the bed.


Lyndsay's side of the bed.

I've been doing well at designing and building floating shelves, and so far, nothing has fallen! I'm not sure about my next trial, but I think it will be a coffee table themed after some caped crusader… Before that though, I have about two or three leather projects to knock out. It's amazing what you can get accomplished if you just try.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dieting and Exercise

Let me tell you first, dieting is a loose term, if you want to stay slim and healthy, apparently you have to change what you eat (at least most of the time) forever. As for exercise, well, we all should be exercising anyway, so no complaints there (I'm lying, I'll complain). To get back into the rhythm of exercising\working out, I've started out with the stationary bike (4-7 miles per session) and pushups, started with 15, trying to increase by 5 every night, until I get to around 50 and then I'll keep it there for a while, because I'll add some weight exercises to the mix. I know this doesn't sound like a familiar James, but I'm not unfamiliar with working out, the food change however is uncharted land and I might be a red shirt crewman. The worst that could happen is I fail, so no harm, no foul, and if I go through with it and I succeed, then hooray for me. In case you're wondering, I'm staying away from meats and dairy products. Definitely vegetarian, and borderline vegan. I never thought I'd be trying it, but with great power comes more vegetables. I said I would post pictures, but not today. I will say in the 3 days I have been doing this, I have lost 4 pounds, which is great. I also have a lot more energy and I sleep better. I also can fly now. Alright, caught me, I was joking - I'm not sleeping that much better. On a side note, I have been making sure to get my recommended amount of water in:
Big Water
Not being used to so much liquid intake has made me appreciate the fact that the restroom is right next to my office. Really. Hopefully within a week I'll have a photo to show, I'll definitely keep you updated, but I may still be too self-conscious to show my pudgy tummy to you. Check out some of my progress: RunKeeper

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Diet - This Time I Mean It

As with all previous tries, I'm heading into a diet with full force, but this time I'm not going to give up. It was the realization that I had to wear size 40 pants that depressed me enough into getting serious. I'm going to try my best to get results through hard work and will power. Sounds corny, but ultimately those are the only things that will provide results.

I'll keep the progress updated on here, and possibly have progress pictures, but those will come later, as I have progress to show, and not just my fat body.