Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

Another year has came and went and I'm a year older.

This past year has had a lot of ups, and even more downs. Fortunately, the ups were enough to make this year worth all the downs. There are personal things that I am not ready to discuss publicly yet, but let's say I'm lucky to be alive and leave it at that.

As I was swimming at my Mom & Dad's house yesterday at my party, I was once again struck with the fact that I had indeed gained too much weight. So with that in mind and the image of Hugh Jackman's body from The Wolverine, I'm upping my game. I have entered into a DietBet and will blow it out of the water. To win the bet, I must lose just under 9 pounds in 30 days. My personal goal (long term) is about 50 pounds gone, unless I gave muscle weight, then I am perfectly fine with the trade. First step is weight loss though. I'll be updating my blog and all my fitness apps regularly, and I have even thought more heavily about doing the video blog to track my feeling and progress during the journey.

What do you think?

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