Thursday, July 18, 2013


So, I've not been exactly regular here. I'll try to fix that. I also have spoke many times about losing weight and being serious about it. Well, now I am, but I'm not going to say how serious I am. It was spurred by  someone saying I looked like a person in a TV show. I was unfamiliar with the show so I looked that person up. He was fat. That was an eye opener. First I wanted to get mad, but then I realized, I am overweight. So, I'm getting to it. I'm cutting calories, and I'm slowly going to get back into biking and weight training. I will be posting updates.

As before I will be taking pictures, but will refrain from posting them until I myself see positive results. I have considered starting a thing like my friend Marcia did, but I'm in this for me, and winning money would be nice, but boosting my energy and self confidence is a better reward. I will share this with you: - my MyFitnessPal profile page. I did start at 230 and have slowly gotten down to 220, but I need to be more aggressive. I actually wouldn't mind being 220 with a smaller waist and larger chest. Just a thought.

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