Monday, August 26, 2013

DietBet Loss in Sight

I  have lost weight. I am just shy of my goal (within 2 lbs), but alas today it is over. I have until tonight to lose those two pounds. I have one thing going for me, it is my fast day, but I don't think I'll be able to lose 2 pounds in about 12 hours.

All is not sad though. I have gotten a lot more health conscious and I have started to exercise more. These were goals I had set a long time ago, and it took a bet to get me going on it. I think that I will join another one after this, to keep the motivation going. If I do not lose any weight today, the next dietbet will have me losing 8.5~9 pounds to meet my goal. I'm optimistic that I can do that.

Anyone up for a DietBet?

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