Friday, August 9, 2013

Ready, Set - Fast!

After doing some research, I've decided to try fasting 2 days a week. I plan on doing this for the rest of August, logging my progress here and taking pictures, of course.

I figure the best way to space the 2 fasting days will be Monday and Thursday. My science behind that is that Sunday is out since I want to eat, and usually we go to my parents for lunch and I get to eat a mom cooked meal. Fridays and Saturdays are out because those are possible cook out days. So, that left Monday-Thrusday. I wanted to space them out as far as I could, so Monday and Thursday won the lottery. Science.

When I am fasting, I can have water, coffee and tea. Basically I can have just about any drink with no sugar or calories. I have even read some reports that diet soda was ok since it has no calories. I won't be partaking in that - because of the aspartame and the carbonation. I am trying to limit\eliminate soda from my intake temporarily, if not permanently.

Lots of Water

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot

I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but I do like me some tea. If I didn't hate chamomile, I could have that before bed. I can't though. I hate it. On the bright side, there are other ingredients in tea that are beneficial, so it's a win-win.

I do hear that the first week of the 5-2 program is rough. Apparently for some people it's really rough, so I'll just have to tough it out and report back. Wish me Luck!

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