Friday, August 9, 2013

With great power comes great ... something


I know that the internet was created for complaining, and I try (usually not so well) to refrain from gratuitous use of that right. After much reading and holding my tongue, here are some of my findings.

Please note, it is not my intention to upset anyone, this is mainly for entertainment purposes. Mainly.
  • Buying an expensive camera does not make you a photographer.
  • Writing a dirty limerick does not make you an author.
  • Repeating a line from a classical novel that you remembered from someone else quoting does not make you an intellectual.
  • Buying expensive clothes does not make you beautiful.
  • Using expensive cologne does not mean you still do not stink.
  • Having lettuce on your triple deluxe bacon cheeseburger does not mean you are on a diet.
  • Weighing yourself and not liking the result does not make you fat.
  • Raising your pinky while drinking from a cup does not mean you are well cultured.
  • When you correct someone's grammar, be sure your's is correct.
  • If you feel inclined to post one hundred pictures a day, please make sure they are not all the same picture.
  • Exercising once does not make you a health nut, or physically fit.
  • Changing your mind abruptly about something does not mean you are Bipolar (Trust me, I am)
Just a few observations. Like I said, this is for giggles, don't get offended.

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