Friday, September 20, 2013

A Letter to My Wife, Lyndsay

First of all, let me clarify, I didn't put your name in the post to differentiate you from my other wives, I just wanted to put your name in the title. I only have one wife. It's you, FYI.

I sent this to Lyndsay, and it is with her permission that I share with you.


Hey. We've been through a lot, right? Geez, it seems like yesterday that we met on that blind date. That was over 14 years ago! Sometimes it's like a roller coaster with ups and downs, but luckily no one has fallen off so far.

When we were dating it was a new world, to both of us I think. I was (and still am) in awe of how someone so beautiful and kind can be so intelligent. To this day, I am surprised when you present a mental challenge to me, and I eventually give up and hope you don't mention it again. I shouldn't be shocked, I mean I should be used to it, right?  Part of being in love is falling in love again with the same person everyday, and that is why I realize how lucky I am. So maybe, I'm not shocked by you, so much as I'm shocked I have you and that you would want me.

You have given me three wonderful daughters, and I am so glad that they are beautiful like their mother, and have your quick wit. It happens more than I want to admit, but our seven year old will present a mental challenge just like you will. Luckily I can tell her to go to her room, not so much with you. Each of our daughters reminds me everyday why I fell in love with you and why I continue to fall in love each day.

Thank you for hanging in there through all the roller coaster rides.


James (Your Husband)

P.S. For some reason after I got through writing this I really wanted to go to Six Flags. Just FYI.

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