Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Little Bit of Serious (Part 2)

There was an overwhelming amount of feedback (that I kept private) in response to my previous post. Thank you to everyone who took time to send me comments, I was quite moved.

For those of you who didn't send me anything - I won't judge you. (Yes I will)

Just kidding, I try not to judge anyone, because I've been judged too many times.

Enough of the serious, let's laugh a little. That's enough.

As you know (or should, if not - go back and read my blog. I'll wait. Done? Good, you may continue) I have been on a diet and I've been exercising. I'm not you know, super strict or anything so I'm obviously not meeting my goals. I want to look like:

Instead, I think I look like this:

I'd even settle for:

But, it's a work in progress so I can't be too judgmental about myself. Also therefore, neither can you.

Halloween is coming up, the only holiday where grown ups can dress up like little kids and little kids can dress up like grown ups (although looking at the students in middle school, you would think that they were much older than they are. I blame Miley Cyrus. Why Not.). I have a great costume in mind, and no, it's not Batman! Remember, I've got a fear of being labeled Fatman, so lay off. It will be a surprise for you, dear reader. All I can say is, it will be a great, great surprise if you see me.


I would like to hear (read) your feedback. I would like you to tell me what you think I should be for Halloween. The Prize, you ask? Respect. Also I'll through in an amazon card or something ($15). I will randomly pick a winner before Halloween. Ready? Set! Go!

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