Friday, November 21, 2014

It's a hard knock life

So, it's been a while.  Have a seat, we have a lot to catch up on.

First of all, I've been doing very well about sticking to my workout routine. I'll allow you a moment to stop looking shocked. There. I've not been so good on keeping my diet healthy.  What can I say, some bad food tastes soooo good.  With that in mind, I have been trying to output more calories than I input, but that's a lot harder than it seems.  I have been losing weight, more importantly I have been losing inches from my waist.  The downside to that is a pair of my favorite shorts now fall down.  It hasn't happened in public yet, but I hope I'm with my girls and I can embarrass them, not scar for life, but enough that people will still ask them about it when they are in high school.  I hope I remember underwear that day.

I've had a lot of people ask me (since I had a long post on suicide) about the women in Oregon who chose assisted suicide instead of living with an extremely aggressive for of brain cancer.  I've decided to not get into the debate.  I won't make any friends with my opinion on that, and it's better off that people make up their own mind instead of me helping to sway them.  I will say that her decision is her decision and no one else's, which makes me want to point out that it really isn't any of our business to judge her. Enough about that though.

Last week I have an ingrown toenail cut out (on both sides of my nail).  I have a low tolerance for pain and even though they used a local anesthetic, I could still feel it in my mind.  I was sweating a lot I'm sure. At least my foot didn't slip all around.  Right now, I'm not sure if it has helped with the pain, but I'm hoping for the best and they are doing the other foot Monday.  So if you hear a loud scream Monday morning and your dogs start to howl with it, I'm sorry, my bad.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Just another post about suicide

With the recent death of Robin Williams, the topic of suicide has been an incredibly hot topic, likewise depression.  This post will be a lot more serious than my usual rants, and for that I apologize in advance. Also, it is going to be hard for me to type, so please be kind.

The question has been presented a LOT of whether depression is a disease.  It is not.  It is an illness.  Often called Clinical Depression or Major Depressive Disorder, it is still an illness.  I am not belittling it be any means.  Since around the age of 13 or so I battled with clinical depression. It wasn't until I was 30 that my diagnosis was changed to the correct one, Bipolar Disorder.  Bipolar Disorder is considered a disease by the medical community.  I have no idea why, one is extreme lows, while the other is extreme lows and extreme highs.

While suicide is not limited to the depressed, the percentage of suicides that are depressed people are astounding. About 60% of suicides are people who have major depressive disorder\clinical depression. I'm not defending suicide, but merely pointing out that depression is a lot more serious than some would think.  I could spout off statistics all day, but what I really wanted to tell you is my story.

I have not committed suicide.  That much must be obvious, as I am also not a ghost and somehow this blog seems to get updated.  I am also not immune to suicidal ideation.  That's where you think about and sometimes fixate on how you would kill yourself.  It's not healthy, but it's not as unhealthy as carrying out a plan.  A common trait among Bipolar patients is suicidal ideation.  I've dealt with it for years and years thinking it was normal.  Didn't everyone think about how to kill themselves? Apparently not.

Without going into a lot of detail, there was a very low period in my life some time back, and for the first time I decided I should act on one of those plans.  I was close to carrying out my plan when Lyndsay foiled it.  She was mad, and for that matter, so was I - at her.  I was so close to just being done with it and now I wasn't.  Was I being selfish?  It's a matter of perspective - I thought I wasn't, she thought I was.  I saw it as a way to remove myself from the equation of life, and eventually my family would move on and be happier without me causing problems.  She saw it as chickening out to confronting problems I didn't want to face.  I can see her point, but in actuality, there was no simple problem for me to face.  I was in an extremely depressed state and EVERYTHING was wrong, not just one thing - but indeed everything I could think of, I had somehow managed to make worse, at least in my mind at the time this was the case.  I like to think I have a somewhat interesting perspective on suicide, not unique, just interesting.

I have been thinking a lot lately about whether or not suicide is selfish.  My realization is that yes, it can be and no, not always.  Suicide is usually lumped into one big definition in people's minds.  It's not a blanket definition that covers all suicides though - thinking so is being entirely too closed minded.  Some reasons for suicide can indeed be the very epitome of selfishness, while other reasons are the very opposite.  I won't get into the selfish reasons, they are more than I want to list, and honestly, some are exactly why I have thought about it.  The unselfish reasons.  Have you ever seen in a movie (hopefully never in person) a mercy killing? I mean when a person is in so much pain from an injury (war movies come to mind) that their friend or someone delivers a final blow to end their suffering? It's still murder, but no one bats an eye, as a matter of fact, they are praised for being so compassionate for that person's plight.  What if the wounds were not tangible?  What if they were so deep that everyday was so painful to endure that it was unbearable?  That person often doesn't want to burden someone else with the troubles of their life, and not talking about it generally makes it worse.  So, not having someone to perform the mercy killing for them, they endeavor to do it themselves.  Yes, it is an insurmountable pain to those close to the person, but their pain is usually nothing compared to that person's everyday struggle.

To set the record straight, I don't condone suicide, but neither to I condemn it.  People with a depression so deep are in a no win situation.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Chef de Jour and An Older Me

So, I've been cooking a lot more - take a gander at these:
Sirloin Steak, Paprika Shrimp with a Lemon Aioli

Bacon Wrapped Rosemary Chicken

Teriyaki Chicken

Beef and Vegetable Stew
As you can see, I'm not too bad in the kitchen, so if you ever come over, I'll either fix you a wonderful dish, or get pizza.  I've been working a lot of my home cooking to help the family eat healthier and for Lyndsay and I to lose weight.  It's working.  Right now I am at my lowest weight in two years, which is awesome.  I keep thinking the scale is telling me a lie, but it keeps telling me it, and I want to believe it.

As the title implies, I am in fact older.  I mean I know that we are all older, and even now, well now, well forget it, I had a birthday.  I am now a whopping 32.  I am now the same age that Alexander the Great was when he died.  I haven't conquered most of the known world, so I better get on that.

It will be easy to do, when I'm dressed like this:

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Results. Oh Yeah.

When I say results, I mean - some results, not enough for me to get into yoga pants, but enough that I feel better about myself, slightly.

Motivation has been either full on or non existent.  Some days I've been waking up, liftings weights for 30-45 minutes and riding my bike in the evening, and some days I can't find the will to do either.  It's a mental battle I'm waging, I know.  I have to look at the end goal, and know that every little thing I do adds up, I' just have to do them.

Alright, that was my pep talk to me.

I decided to get the pedals and shoes that lock into each other for a push\pull action on the bike instead of just the push action.  They were a bit hard to get used to, but I put them on, and promptly fell over.  The instructions can tell you just to twist your foot to unlock, but in a crisis situation, you just think about which body part on the gravel would hurt least. FYI, it was my shoulder.

A long, long time ago, in another life I lifted weights semi-regularly, nothing major, just to do it.  I have found out that starting again is a system shock.  I have to start remarkably lighter than I had been, I'm sure because I'm Flabby Man at the moment.  I've only increased my weights a little at this point, but nothing I want to disclose yet.  It's a bit embarrassing, so I'll weight on that (see what I did there?).  Eventually I'll share my journey and my progress pictures, but only when I'm super proud of my results.

Until next time readers - keep wishing that I stay upright on the bike!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Oh. Snap.

So, I started exercising more and dieting more, you know, those things I do for a few months and then I rediscover fast food.

I bought a bike. Yep. That means I've got to be some-what committed, but then again I have a lot of exercise equipment that would prove I need to be committed. (pun intended).  In all seriousness (well, most seriousness, never go all serious) I have lost weight, and despite having the sore, aching muscles, I have had more energy, which is great.  The moral of this story? I don't know, maybe I'll find one along the way.

Did you know you can get apps that help you track pictures of your body to see the transformation?  I got one about 3 months ago and took my initial shots.  This week I took another shot (I forgot about it until now) and boom, I saw the transformation.  It wasn't the direction I wanted though.  That is a good driving force for me to buckle down and get in shape. A shape I like, that is.

Lyndsay is going healthy again too, and she had the awesome idea of doing video diaries of her progress.  It's an interesting idea, one I might steal. At any rate, go health!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Digital Me

I've noticed something.  I like electronics. I especially love the ones that work and you don't even have to do anything for them to work. An example of this is fitness trackers, they work, and they do their job while you just wear them. Brilliant.  I think I may have gone a bit overboard with some of mine, but here are a few of the things I use or have pre-ordered.

FitBit Force
I know that this was recalled because of a chance of a skin rash forming, but I've had mine almost since day 1 and no problems yet.

Misfit Shine
What's this you say? Another activity tracker? Yes. I am currently wearing both (one on each wrist), as a comparison of their accuracy and also to maintain my activity on my linked websites (MyFitnessPal, GymPact, etc) since the Shine is currently working on integration, but it's not live yet.

This is a device you plug into your car's interface port and it transmits all sorts of data to your phone.  It beeps when you go over a set speed, accelerate too fast, or brake too hard.  The point of it is to monitor your driving and help you to increase fuel efficiency.

This is one of my preorders.  These little tiles you can put on your key chain or stick to anything.  They help you (with the assitance of their app) to find the tiles.  You should never lose keys again.  I plan on putting one on each of my children, just in case.  One neat thing about it is that if someone steals your thing, everyone who has the app on their phone can find it, in the background anonymously and it lets you know where it is, so you can go put on your Batman suit and break some noses to get back your mug. That might just be me. Sorry.

This one is another pre-order.  it's a device to measure your sun intake and let you know you should get out and see the light of day.  Sounds silly, but light therapy is good, I use a blue light in the mornings to help regulate my syrcadian rhythm.

This is a device that fits around my waist and lets me know when my posture is bad.  It also lets me know when I've been sitting too long.  Of course reports are also available so it's awesome.  With my job I sometimes end up sitting a lot, so this helps me move my body. Not dance. Well, at least not all the time.

Pre-order.  This is another posture device, but this one goes on your collar or upper body. Same concept, but working in conjunction with the LUMOBack, I will get a better idea of how messed up I sit and walk.

Wahoo BlueHR
This is a Heart Rate monitor that I can wear when I walk\run\jog\workout.  It keeps an eye on my heart rate, connects to my phone and lets me know when it's about to explode (my heart - not my phone).

iHealth Wireless BP Cuff
This is a wireless blood pressure cuff that connects to my phone.  It's so awesome, I can take my blood pressure reading anywhere, even in a public restroom!

iHealth Pulse Oximeter
Another device for my health.  It is a wireless pulseox that gets my pulse and oxygen level and sends it to my phone. Reports, it's all about the reports.

So if I wear and use all my devices at the same time I would be outfitted as so:

  • Both wrists have an activity tracker around them
  • On my left collar I have a posture tracker
  • On my right collar I have a sun intake tracker
  • Attached via a band around my upper chest is a heart rate monitor
  • On my left bicep is a wireless blood pressure cuff
  • On my left index finger is a wireless oxygen\pulse sensor
  • Attached via a band is a posture tracker on my lower back
  • I would have a device on my key chain that left me know where it was
  • I would be driving with beeping occurring if I burned rubber
Batman has a lot of gadgets, so I'm just trying to catch up, obviously.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Changing it Up

For years now I've been a loyal FitBit User, and even in the face of the Fitbit force fiasco (Google it), I kept my Force.  Lately the thing has started to crack and the step counter doesn't seem to be as accurate as it once was.  I have been researching where to go, and I've landed on the Misfit Shine.  It is still working out integration with other sites (like, etc.) but I think it will work well for my needs.  It's weird, but something as trivial as this makes me nostalgic. I've had a fitbit for so long, but what did I do before that?  I counted each step in my head.  If I lost count I would stop walking and lay down and go to sleep where I laid. True story. Except for the part about counting my steps and laying down and going to sleep.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

10 Years.

I've not posted in a while, and I'm sorry - but I will have you know that I did have a draft that I kept adding to, but then it got incoherent and rambled on for way too long, so here is this one.

Today (May 29) Lyndsay and I have been married for 10 years. Wow. A lot has happened. We've bought a house, bought cars, sold cars and had three children. It's been a ride, with our ups and downs. It's been worth it, all of it.  From a blind date in high school to 10 years of marriage, it's been fun.  Sure we've gotten bigger, but that's just the newlywed weight gain, we just haven't gotten rid of it. Yep.  Technically we've been together for 15 years, but that's just splitting hairs.

Enough about me, how are you? Did you have a good break from reading my rants? Well, buck up buttercup, I'm back.  Look for a really good episode of Regular Dad coming up. It's awesome.  Don't forget to follow my YouTube channel. Click Here. It's going to be interesting making these videos, I didn't realize how much time went into a short video like this, so hopefully I'll speed up with the production.

Remember, When you feel like your life stinks, think of the Titanic passengers, be glad you didn't go on that boat.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Wow, I've Neglected You

So it's been a few weeks since I posted anything. My bad.  Actually I take that back, I don't like the phrase "My Bad" so I'll say, my sincerest apologies, it was indeed my fault.  A bit longer, but I bet you felt better reading it. I know I felt a better connection with you when I wrote it.  So, There will be a big event this weekend, The Scarborough Renaissance Faire in Waxahatchie, Texas.  My clan is going along with my mother and father in law.  This year I am sporting period attire.  Watch out for photos this weekend of a lovable portly innkeeper, it might be yours truly.  I say portly because it makes me feel less self conscious about myself, also it sounds neat.

To explain a Renaissance Faire to those not in the know, it is a place where people can pretend it is the 15th or 16th century (depending on the venue) and act like fools while staring at the scantily clad people in costumes.  The Scarborough Faire is a great one, it's size is just perfect and the environment that has been created is just plain awesome.  It's fun for the whole family, the girls love going and it's always a blast to watch them.

In my few travels to events such as this, I have learned that some things are essential to take. Here are a few things that are on my list.

  1. Money (As with most things like this, things add up - bring your shillings)
  2. Gold Bond (Spray or Power, but beware and be prepared)
  3. Portable Battery Charger for Phone (especially if you are using it as your camera)
  4. Underwear (Even if they didn't always have it back then, you should wear some)
  5. Money (Bring extra, just in case)
  6. A sense of humor (the players\actors may give you a good ribbing, so be prepared to take it in stride)
We try to hit a couple of these a year, and we are always looking for more to go to and people who want to go, so be sure to throw suggestions at me.

I think it might be timeth for me to goeth, so pleaseth stayeth tuned .. eth.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Regular Dad, In Your Face

Sorry for being a week late, I've been so busy that I didn't have time to finish anything really.  As an apology, here is a quick video preview on Regular Dad.

One thing I'm trying to do is shoot this series mostly with an iPhone\iPod\iPad. If that doesn't work out, I have other cameras to use, but I thought that this would be an interesting and challenging way to get it done, plus if I get any quick video while out and about I don't have to worry about the quality edits or aspect changes, or anything like that, so there's that.

The first episode should be out soon, so don't get your knickers in a knot. Unless you like them that way, in that case, don't untie them.  I'm always open to suggestions and feedback, so let it rip.

I'm sure you've been wondering about how my diet has been going, well it's going.  I have cheat days more often than I should, but I have non-cheat days almost as often.  I exercise on a regular basis, if walking counts. I mean, it's hard to go throughout the day without walking, I don't see why people make such a big deal of it. As far as my weight, it's been up and down, and I'm blaming it on medication. Yeah, that sounds good.  I know what you're thinking, "Well James, why don't you stop your medication then?"  I can't.  You wouldn't like my off my meds. James Smash.

Have you ever had a dream that all your goals in life we achieved?  Yeah, me neither.  I usually have dreams about running away completely naked from a Klingon. Go figure.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Structure, We All Need It

So here's the deal. Structure.  I've decided that the blog needs a bit more structure.  I am going to try out having regular sections on it, and see how that goes.  Feedback is appreciated and mandatory.

I was looking on Groupon the other day and saw that there is a murder mystery dinner on there.  It's at the Stone Lion Inn in Guthrie.  That is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in Oklahoma.  My interest peaked.  There is something about having my wits scared out of me that is awesome.  This is also the reason I ride with Lyndsay when she drives.  I am on the fence about just getting the tickets and then Lyndsay will feel like she has to go or it will be a waste of money, but as I have just explained about the Inn, odds are good that she will read this and stop me.  If she isn't up for it, would anyone else be?

I have always fancied (yes fancied) myself a brilliant actor with a wide range of acting abilities.  However, after reading about this murder mystery I thought about myself as an actor in it.  I would be be nervous so close to the 'non-actors' (it's what we call them in the biz) that my timing would be all off.  I have created a lovely comic to demonstrate:

See, I'd blame the first child that walked into my line of sight.  I think I'll skip on being an actor at one of these and stick to be an over acting bystander.

The Regular Dad series is going well, I did take a break from it for a few days, but I'm back on it and soon the first episode will make you laugh so hard you might rupture a bladder.  Seriously though, if you do rupture anything while watching or thinking about it, don't blame me, my lawyers Mr. Mason and Mr. Matlock assure me that they can get me out of it in less that 60 minutes.  I'm finding the hardest part so far with creating the series is figuring out how to get the girls to act on command.  Madison especially does not want to be on camera, and Victoria jumps in the camera as soon as it starts recording. Alexandria is neutral most of the time.

Ok, so I'm one more thing to add to today's entry, and that is a thought.  My youngest, Madison, turned 4 on the 12th.  I now am the proud father of 4, 5 and 8 year old girls. Little by little I am coming to terms with my aging, but it occurred to me that in addition to my aging, I have to cope with my daughters aging as well.  Some advice I receive all the time (and on several occasions from complete strangers) is to cherish each moment because you won't get a second chance and they pass so quickly. I have realized it is so true, and everyday with them is a gift, and not everyone gets three gifts a day like I do.  So even with all the yelling, screaming, fighting, and groin hitting (them hitting me of course) I love every minute of it, even if it is not apparent at the time. Being a dad is awesome and heartbreaking.

Ok, so I'm like an Apple Strudel, Crusty and flaky on the outside while sweet and gooey on the inside. I don't have any apple chunks though, I mean unless I've eaten an apple and got sick and barfed up some apple chunks, but I probably won't be sweet when that happens.  Forget the strudel thing. 

Thank you everyone for reading, and remember - when life gets you down.  That's it. Just remember it.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Realizations That I Didn't Know Some Things

First off, I know, I know - you're thinking "James, surely there isn't anything you don't know!" Normally I would agree, but I've been reading and thinking - I've learned a few things that were new to me.  I'll share a few of them.

  • Driving 5 miles over the speed limit won't get you there a lot faster, and driving 5 miles under the speed limit may get you there a little slower, however, the difference in MPG is definitely worth the longer drive.  (I knew this, but I was shocked at some of the statistics)
  • Carrots don't actually help you see better.
  • Kale Chips make me gag a little.
  • I enjoy making my lunch way too much.
  • Eggs are delicious, but they are also a super fast laxative for me, just fyi.
  • Sometimes it's better to give than receive, especially stomach viruses and colds and flus, etc.
  • I am way too busy to play my Xbox One like I should. Just saying. It was expensive.
  • Little boys from down the street that come over to play with my daughters are annoying and I will eventually smite them.
  • Telling someone you will smite them doesn't have them same effect it did in ... the 15th century or so.
  • I like telling someone that I shall smite them. Try it.
  • I really enjoy updating my blog.

According to my traffic indicator, I have a lot of loyal readers who check back every week to see what nonsense I've posted.  I think you guys are awesome, and I thank you.  I think I'm going to stop this blog entry with that serious thank you, I don't want to keep going and screw up the mood. Oh crap.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Basking in the Glory

First of all, I don't actually bask. The definition is: 'to lie exposed to ..." whatever, it doesn't matter. I just don't lie exposed. anymore. Court Ordered.

The blog will be changing visually over the next few weeks. I'm working on getting the best fit, so until I find it, you will have to suffer. AND you will like it.

Now I would like to take some time to talk about my new web series, Regular Dad. I've gotten a few of them in the old noggin and I'm actually about to release episode 1 and I'm already happy with it. I mean I haven't finalized or rendered the video and I haven't had anyone view it and tell it me it's great, but I'm an optimist.

Speaking of being a dad, this past week I had the honor of taking each of my daughters on a date. I like to take them out and get them a little toy once in a while, so sue me.  I enjoy the daddy daughter time and they enjoy the toy.  I will however, space them out like I used to.  I mean I can't do the whole restaurant and shopping thing 3 nights in a row again. I mean ever. I won't.

I know, it's late, but hey, look at it this way - you get twice as much of me this week. :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Untitled Post About Something

Ok, rough week.  On the bright side I've lost about 5-6 pounds. Bad news, it was due to stress.  So to meet my goal weight I have to get really stressed. I don't want that. So back to plan B - hard work.  Enough about my flabby, yet oh so adorable physique.

I got a car! After much research, I decided I wanted this:

A 2005 Dodge Magnum RT with a 5.7L Hemi.  I like it. a lot of people think it's a station wagon, and on the title it says station wagon, but to me it's a daddy sport vehicle with occasional seating for family. It was a complicated process to find one that fit my wants ... I mean, needs, but it has paid off so far. I'll allow you some time to ooo and aahhh.

This will be the end of this entry. Sorry, like I said stressfull week, so you don't want to hear about that.

Also - the first Regular Dad episode is in the works.  In the future I will be taking questions so that I can answer them on the show. Put your thinking caps on and work up some great questions!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cook Du Jour

One of my little known talents is that I can cook. Not just opening a can of Spaghetti-Os and zapping them in the microwave, I mean smack Gordon Ramsey in the back of the head good.  Maybe not that good, but if he did try my food I'd hit him in the back of the head and when he woke up I'd tell him the flavor knocked him out.  Lately I've been embracing that talent a little more.  I've been cooking meals at home to provide a healthy alternative to fast food or dining out.  I've loved it, and the fact my daughters tell me how wonderful it is melts me heart. They aren't lying either, they are actually eating everything on their plate which is unusual.

I feel that I have the duty to respond to the allegation, from my sister, that I was near a heart attack when I beat her at jumping rope.  She has also said the she was not actually competing. Isn't that cute? My daughters do the same thing when I win at something. They all of a sudden "weren't playing."  It's ok though, I'm planning a triathlon that will be broadcast on the inter nets.  The gauntlet  is thrown down.

The events will be announced at a later date (as soon as I find out what her weaknesses are).

I know this one is short. Stop Laughing, I was talking about this blog entry. Your mind is in the gutter. Back on track - as I said, this one isn't long, but the length doesn't really matter, it's how you use the content of it.  I usually send a few days thinking up witty things to say, or my theories of the universe to discuss and share, but this week I didn't.  I really felt blah.  So Cheer me up. Ready ... and ... go.  Now.  Geez, this isn't working. Try harder next time.  Until then, I leave you with this thought.

What, it's my thought I left you with, not words I typed.  My thoughts don't leave my brain, and boy am I glad - I could get into a thousand problems at once.

Think to you later.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to ... where was I going?

Did you ever read someone's Facebook or Twitter status\update and it was so hypocritical or just wrong that you wanted to call them out on it? There's been that emotion a lot inside of my brain.  My heart stops my brain signals from lashing out and being rude, yet correct.  I mean, we know I'm right.

People do hypocritical things all the time, and if we tell them that they did - boom, angry town.  Even if you have their best interest at heart, they don't like to hear how to live their lives or spend their money, etc, etc.

Now that I got that out of the way, I want all of you who pointed out that I weighed more at the end of my DietBet than I did when I started that I'm not talking to you. Poopyheads.

Seriously though, I really failed at this one, but I can always try for the next one.  I'm getting a good start by going on a Natural Nutrition 28 Day Program. (Thanks Maranda!) I'm human, and I'm sure I'll make a mistake, you know - just one, but it looks like an excellent start.  I'm getting back to the home gym too, I've got enough there to get me toned (I feel awkward using the word 'toned' - pretend I said 'overwhelming ripped').

For those of you asking about my book (or short story to be exact) - I'm nearing the end of the third in the series and will release both the second and third at the same time.

On February 4th, 1999, I met Lyndsay Armstrong on a blind date.  She must really have been blind because we have been together ever since. We've been together for 15 years! Our togetherness can almost get a drivers license!  Our 10th anniversary is this May 29th.  Get your credit cards ready because I'm going to be making an Amazon wish list and I expect everyone to buy the crap she wants, or else I have to - and I really, really don't want to.

Hm... I think that's it for now... Oh yeah, I beat my sister at jump rope, she said she wasn't trying to compete, but whatever - she tried, and failed. Boom.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Possible Mariticide in Progress...

For starters, mariticide is the murder of one's husband.  I'm the husband.  Lyndsay, well, she's trying to slowly kill me.  I can't even get through with one project (of which requires bladed chains, saw blades or nails and staples going faster that the speed of light involved) before she gets that look.  I've come to know this as the "run away from her now and pretend you have diarrhea and can't be stopped" sign.  Yep, head for the nearest bathroom and hope she doesn't run after you. Lock the door behind you, if you can, and then turn on the water faucet in your bath\shower on full blast and hide in the corner. Unfortunately, this doesn't last forever, but at least you can get a break. If you don't follow those directions, you will be told of another "little thing" that she wants you to do.  She is waiting for me to have a mishap so she can claim it was an accident. I am smarter than that. I'm going to have diarrhea for the next two weeks.

We have gotten a lot accomplished around our house, truth be told. This weekend we cut down an old tree that I had cut down a while back but never was about to cut it up and move it. We did that.  I was also able to start cutting down a tree that I swore Lyndsay told me she wanted cut down.  I must not have heard her well, I was probably yelling I had to go to the bathroom and running away.  Luckily I only got a few limbs down before I was corrected.  Last time I try to cut down anything when I'm home alone.

Enough about my pretend bowel issues.

As you all know, because you have been reading my blog and are friends with me on Facebook, which you do and are, right? Of course you do and are, I'm just being insecure. Back to the topic, I am in a DietBet right now. I'm not doing well in it, but I think I might be able to shave my body hair to lose the 6 pounds I need right now, so I have that as an option.  Exercise is going well, even on the weekends when I'm too busy being whipped by Lyndsay (not in the fun way) to do my formal exercises. I do get cardio in as well with the running away that I do, and I guess I get some squats in too, when I'm pretending to sit on the toilet. Wow, did we get back to toilet talk again? Geez.

I'll update you more later, my fingers hurt and I think I hear her calling my name, so I'm going to run to the bathroom and turn the faucets on.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hard Work and Determination

You probably clicked on the linked thinking I messed up on the title. Nope, this post is about that junk.  If you follow me on Facebook, which I'm sure you do. You do, right? Well, if you don't, just say you do so I don't begin to cry, I have sensitive feelings and overactive tear ducts. Anyway, if you'll let me get back to the subject and if you'll stop changing it (geez), I have been working on my garage. It was a mess, I admit it (I blame my wife and kids).  I originally got a cabinet for my wife to put kitchen appliances in, since they were multiplying and overrunning the kitchen.  It grew from there.

I'm going to keep this short, since it took my over 20 hours of man power (at at least whatever power I can produce). I finished. There ya go.

On the subject of my DietBet, thank you for asking, I think I have a fair chance of making possibly a fool of myself.  I started my routines too late I think, but maybe the weight will shed off. Also, I've gained some upper body muscle weight, so that I got that going for me.  Calendar will be out, just a little late.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

2014, Bring it On (and other cliches)

My first post in 2014. This is actually my first post in a while actually. I hope you like it. If you don't, please lie and tell me that you like it.

It's been a busy time. Christmas, New Years, and two birthdays later, I think I'm caught up, at least a little.  If you follow my posts on Facebook you know that I'm in enough DietBet ( and I'm fully committed. I think. I've been very diligent about drinking more water (which FYI make sure you can easily make it to the bathroom in a pinch) and exercising everyday, each day getting more intense. Runtastic makes some great apps that work well for that. Right now (not yet half way through the bet) I have went down three pounds, and up two. So I'm down one pound at the moment. That's cool, as long as I don't go up.

I've been building a home gym, and it is firmly my belief that if I put to get the equipment and stare at it that I get buff. So, I usually try to spend an hour or so each day staring at it. Hard.  I feel the burn. And sometimes I use it. Take these for instance:

These are awesome, the are the selectable dumb bells. No bulky sets, just these.  I do use them. Once again an app helps with with my routines (Maybe I use too much technology? Nah, hahah, sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, never enough technology.) I've also got a Power Tower and an incline bench.  I will be so buff by the time I stop staring. I hope my shirts still fit.

Other than that going on, I did buy an Xbox One, been playing some games on there, but I've kinda put it aside for now while I work on the bod. In addition to putting some gaming on hold, I've also put the fast food and dining out on hold, making more food myself (ask my family how good it is. I'm a natural in the kitchen.). It's healthier and it's really fun, especially since we got a new dishwasher that actually works and there is not a lot of washing by hand. It's like a dream come true.  I will have update pictures if you want them, maybe making them in 3D so you can see exactly how large my pectorals are.  Notice I said pectorals and not man boobs.