Monday, January 27, 2014

Possible Mariticide in Progress...

For starters, mariticide is the murder of one's husband.  I'm the husband.  Lyndsay, well, she's trying to slowly kill me.  I can't even get through with one project (of which requires bladed chains, saw blades or nails and staples going faster that the speed of light involved) before she gets that look.  I've come to know this as the "run away from her now and pretend you have diarrhea and can't be stopped" sign.  Yep, head for the nearest bathroom and hope she doesn't run after you. Lock the door behind you, if you can, and then turn on the water faucet in your bath\shower on full blast and hide in the corner. Unfortunately, this doesn't last forever, but at least you can get a break. If you don't follow those directions, you will be told of another "little thing" that she wants you to do.  She is waiting for me to have a mishap so she can claim it was an accident. I am smarter than that. I'm going to have diarrhea for the next two weeks.

We have gotten a lot accomplished around our house, truth be told. This weekend we cut down an old tree that I had cut down a while back but never was about to cut it up and move it. We did that.  I was also able to start cutting down a tree that I swore Lyndsay told me she wanted cut down.  I must not have heard her well, I was probably yelling I had to go to the bathroom and running away.  Luckily I only got a few limbs down before I was corrected.  Last time I try to cut down anything when I'm home alone.

Enough about my pretend bowel issues.

As you all know, because you have been reading my blog and are friends with me on Facebook, which you do and are, right? Of course you do and are, I'm just being insecure. Back to the topic, I am in a DietBet right now. I'm not doing well in it, but I think I might be able to shave my body hair to lose the 6 pounds I need right now, so I have that as an option.  Exercise is going well, even on the weekends when I'm too busy being whipped by Lyndsay (not in the fun way) to do my formal exercises. I do get cardio in as well with the running away that I do, and I guess I get some squats in too, when I'm pretending to sit on the toilet. Wow, did we get back to toilet talk again? Geez.

I'll update you more later, my fingers hurt and I think I hear her calling my name, so I'm going to run to the bathroom and turn the faucets on.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hard Work and Determination

You probably clicked on the linked thinking I messed up on the title. Nope, this post is about that junk.  If you follow me on Facebook, which I'm sure you do. You do, right? Well, if you don't, just say you do so I don't begin to cry, I have sensitive feelings and overactive tear ducts. Anyway, if you'll let me get back to the subject and if you'll stop changing it (geez), I have been working on my garage. It was a mess, I admit it (I blame my wife and kids).  I originally got a cabinet for my wife to put kitchen appliances in, since they were multiplying and overrunning the kitchen.  It grew from there.

I'm going to keep this short, since it took my over 20 hours of man power (at at least whatever power I can produce). I finished. There ya go.

On the subject of my DietBet, thank you for asking, I think I have a fair chance of making possibly a fool of myself.  I started my routines too late I think, but maybe the weight will shed off. Also, I've gained some upper body muscle weight, so that I got that going for me.  Calendar will be out, just a little late.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

2014, Bring it On (and other cliches)

My first post in 2014. This is actually my first post in a while actually. I hope you like it. If you don't, please lie and tell me that you like it.

It's been a busy time. Christmas, New Years, and two birthdays later, I think I'm caught up, at least a little.  If you follow my posts on Facebook you know that I'm in enough DietBet ( and I'm fully committed. I think. I've been very diligent about drinking more water (which FYI make sure you can easily make it to the bathroom in a pinch) and exercising everyday, each day getting more intense. Runtastic makes some great apps that work well for that. Right now (not yet half way through the bet) I have went down three pounds, and up two. So I'm down one pound at the moment. That's cool, as long as I don't go up.

I've been building a home gym, and it is firmly my belief that if I put to get the equipment and stare at it that I get buff. So, I usually try to spend an hour or so each day staring at it. Hard.  I feel the burn. And sometimes I use it. Take these for instance:

These are awesome, the are the selectable dumb bells. No bulky sets, just these.  I do use them. Once again an app helps with with my routines (Maybe I use too much technology? Nah, hahah, sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, never enough technology.) I've also got a Power Tower and an incline bench.  I will be so buff by the time I stop staring. I hope my shirts still fit.

Other than that going on, I did buy an Xbox One, been playing some games on there, but I've kinda put it aside for now while I work on the bod. In addition to putting some gaming on hold, I've also put the fast food and dining out on hold, making more food myself (ask my family how good it is. I'm a natural in the kitchen.). It's healthier and it's really fun, especially since we got a new dishwasher that actually works and there is not a lot of washing by hand. It's like a dream come true.  I will have update pictures if you want them, maybe making them in 3D so you can see exactly how large my pectorals are.  Notice I said pectorals and not man boobs.