Monday, March 3, 2014

Basking in the Glory

First of all, I don't actually bask. The definition is: 'to lie exposed to ..." whatever, it doesn't matter. I just don't lie exposed. anymore. Court Ordered.

The blog will be changing visually over the next few weeks. I'm working on getting the best fit, so until I find it, you will have to suffer. AND you will like it.

Now I would like to take some time to talk about my new web series, Regular Dad. I've gotten a few of them in the old noggin and I'm actually about to release episode 1 and I'm already happy with it. I mean I haven't finalized or rendered the video and I haven't had anyone view it and tell it me it's great, but I'm an optimist.

Speaking of being a dad, this past week I had the honor of taking each of my daughters on a date. I like to take them out and get them a little toy once in a while, so sue me.  I enjoy the daddy daughter time and they enjoy the toy.  I will however, space them out like I used to.  I mean I can't do the whole restaurant and shopping thing 3 nights in a row again. I mean ever. I won't.

I know, it's late, but hey, look at it this way - you get twice as much of me this week. :)

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