Thursday, May 29, 2014

10 Years.

I've not posted in a while, and I'm sorry - but I will have you know that I did have a draft that I kept adding to, but then it got incoherent and rambled on for way too long, so here is this one.

Today (May 29) Lyndsay and I have been married for 10 years. Wow. A lot has happened. We've bought a house, bought cars, sold cars and had three children. It's been a ride, with our ups and downs. It's been worth it, all of it.  From a blind date in high school to 10 years of marriage, it's been fun.  Sure we've gotten bigger, but that's just the newlywed weight gain, we just haven't gotten rid of it. Yep.  Technically we've been together for 15 years, but that's just splitting hairs.

Enough about me, how are you? Did you have a good break from reading my rants? Well, buck up buttercup, I'm back.  Look for a really good episode of Regular Dad coming up. It's awesome.  Don't forget to follow my YouTube channel. Click Here. It's going to be interesting making these videos, I didn't realize how much time went into a short video like this, so hopefully I'll speed up with the production.

Remember, When you feel like your life stinks, think of the Titanic passengers, be glad you didn't go on that boat.

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