Monday, August 4, 2014

Chef de Jour and An Older Me

So, I've been cooking a lot more - take a gander at these:
Sirloin Steak, Paprika Shrimp with a Lemon Aioli

Bacon Wrapped Rosemary Chicken

Teriyaki Chicken

Beef and Vegetable Stew
As you can see, I'm not too bad in the kitchen, so if you ever come over, I'll either fix you a wonderful dish, or get pizza.  I've been working a lot of my home cooking to help the family eat healthier and for Lyndsay and I to lose weight.  It's working.  Right now I am at my lowest weight in two years, which is awesome.  I keep thinking the scale is telling me a lie, but it keeps telling me it, and I want to believe it.

As the title implies, I am in fact older.  I mean I know that we are all older, and even now, well now, well forget it, I had a birthday.  I am now a whopping 32.  I am now the same age that Alexander the Great was when he died.  I haven't conquered most of the known world, so I better get on that.

It will be easy to do, when I'm dressed like this:

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