Friday, November 21, 2014

It's a hard knock life

So, it's been a while.  Have a seat, we have a lot to catch up on.

First of all, I've been doing very well about sticking to my workout routine. I'll allow you a moment to stop looking shocked. There. I've not been so good on keeping my diet healthy.  What can I say, some bad food tastes soooo good.  With that in mind, I have been trying to output more calories than I input, but that's a lot harder than it seems.  I have been losing weight, more importantly I have been losing inches from my waist.  The downside to that is a pair of my favorite shorts now fall down.  It hasn't happened in public yet, but I hope I'm with my girls and I can embarrass them, not scar for life, but enough that people will still ask them about it when they are in high school.  I hope I remember underwear that day.

I've had a lot of people ask me (since I had a long post on suicide) about the women in Oregon who chose assisted suicide instead of living with an extremely aggressive for of brain cancer.  I've decided to not get into the debate.  I won't make any friends with my opinion on that, and it's better off that people make up their own mind instead of me helping to sway them.  I will say that her decision is her decision and no one else's, which makes me want to point out that it really isn't any of our business to judge her. Enough about that though.

Last week I have an ingrown toenail cut out (on both sides of my nail).  I have a low tolerance for pain and even though they used a local anesthetic, I could still feel it in my mind.  I was sweating a lot I'm sure. At least my foot didn't slip all around.  Right now, I'm not sure if it has helped with the pain, but I'm hoping for the best and they are doing the other foot Monday.  So if you hear a loud scream Monday morning and your dogs start to howl with it, I'm sorry, my bad.