Friday, May 8, 2015

Well, Maybe Not

So, we didn't go to Lone Grove Days.  We had a sick little girl (Alexandria) that had strep throat.  She is better now, but it was so sad this weekend, she was a quiet girl, which is not like her at all, a sure sign that someone is really sick.  She is better now, but it's going to be interesting to see if she has spread it.  Victoria is complaining of a sore throat now, but she also knows that Alexandria got to get out of school because of hers. Children are smart creatures, albeit devious at the same time. Madison did have to come home from school Tuesday and see the doctor, but we aren't sure if it was the same thing since she had a lot of puke going on.

This weekend, I had a few cheat meals, but I made up for it with plenty of exercise.  Friday I came home to watch Alexandria and while she slept, I planted my starter plants into the big garden. Saturday I cleaned the garage almost to the point I had it after I redesigned it, and if you've ever cleaned a garage, you know that can be intense, especially trying to find small jobs for the girls to do at the same time. To top it off, Saturday and Sunday I expanded the garden, I did not build the permanent add on that I want, but a lot more potted vegetables. I thought I took a picture, but I didn't which means you'll have to hang in suspense.

Thursday and Sunday I rocked out some intense workouts, so I feel pretty good about that.  Sunday I worked out my legs, and I can still fell it. I'm continuing to lose inches like I had previously mentioned, which is awesome, except the fact that my pants are so loose, it causes my shirts to come untucked. I need to put another hole in my belt. If I do reach me goal weight, I will need to get a whole new wardrobe.  I'm not super excited about that like others would be.  Some changes I don't like.

The first hotel I booked for us to stay at while we were at the Renaissance Festival overbooked, and luckily I was about to get some rooms at the last hotel in town that had rooms, it's a nicer hotel so I guess it worked out.  We are all set on that front, and if I can lose a few more inches, I'll be happy with my appearance as the Man in Black.

Speaking of the Man in Black, all of my pieces for the costume are on their way, and soon I will be able to tell for sure if my work has paid off! I think I might be more excited to go than the girls this year.  Like I mentioned before, look out for updates both nights!

Until next time, dear reader.

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