Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Trip to Remember - Part 3

Well, we did it.  We Had Fun.  We went to Beavers Bend, we stayed in a cabin, we survived, we ate smores, we lived. Now, I would have updated my blog sooner, but reception, both data and voice was almost non existent most of the time.  It was kind of nice getting away from everything and not worrying about what is going on outside of our own world.  I put together a little recap video of the trip, I hope you enjoy:

We went to the popular pizza place Saturday night, Grateful Head.  It was a neat place, and the pizza was good, but honestly, it may be so popular because there isn’t a whole lot in town.  We walked a few trails next to the cabin, but because of the heat, we didn’t venture too terribly far on them.

We went shopping, oh yes, we had to go shopping.  We stopped at a neat store called Janet's Treasure Hunt and it was a great place to look around and snap some photos.  We also got to play some miniature golf.  This was the first time all the girls got to play it together, and boy, was it interesting!

Here are some pictures! Until next time, dear reader, enjoy!

Monday, September 7, 2015

A Trip to Remember - Part 2

Oh yes, there is an update coming, and you would have been flooded with pictures and videos, but reception is spotty at best. I've decided to make a compilation video of our adventures, and I'll share it as soon as I'm done and have enough signal to upload it. 

Stay tuned. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Trip to Remember - Part 1

So, for the last few months, there has been a trip planned.

About 3 years ago, my family and my parents when to Beaver's Bend and rented a cabin there.  The girls absolutely loved it, and ever since have talked about wanting to go back, especially Alexandria.  I'm glad to say, we are going back this weekend.  They do not know about it, and I won't tell them until we are almost there (it is a three hour trip and they might guess it, but they won't know for certain).

Looks nice, huh?
Here's more:

I'm pretty sure the girls will love it, and I think it will definitely be a vacation that they will remember. There are all sorts of activities, and I can assure you that I'll be posting pictures and videos of our adventures!

Until next time (which might be sooner than the semi-regular Thursday post), dear reader.