Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Trip to Remember - Part 1

So, for the last few months, there has been a trip planned.

About 3 years ago, my family and my parents when to Beaver's Bend and rented a cabin there.  The girls absolutely loved it, and ever since have talked about wanting to go back, especially Alexandria.  I'm glad to say, we are going back this weekend.  They do not know about it, and I won't tell them until we are almost there (it is a three hour trip and they might guess it, but they won't know for certain).

Looks nice, huh?
Here's more:

I'm pretty sure the girls will love it, and I think it will definitely be a vacation that they will remember. There are all sorts of activities, and I can assure you that I'll be posting pictures and videos of our adventures!

Until next time (which might be sooner than the semi-regular Thursday post), dear reader.

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