Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Progress at the speed of

Dear Readers,

Yeah, I know, the title is an incomplete sentence.  It's ok. Unless you have severe OCD, then you can fill in the blank. You know, Progress at the speed of smell. Ok, now that that's settled, lets dig in.

I've been working very hard at changing myself.  Maybe that isn't the best way to put it, I've been working at transforming myself from the person I am\was into the person I want to be.  It's been paying off.  After really diving into, and I mean hardcore, the science of dieting, exercising, and attitude adjustment, I've started seeing results, on every front.  When I say I was detailed in my research, I mean it.  I studied every chemical (well, not all, but most) that goes into the body and it's effects, both positive and negative.  I've worked hard to eliminate most of the negative chemicals, and increase or introduce those with positive benefits.  On the exercise front, I studied the physiology behind common exercises and what muscle groups they do and don't affect, so that I can do great limited muscle exercises.  Whoever says that you can isolate a muscle group for an exercise is full of it.  The best you can do is do what I call the limited muscle exercise, because you can never truly work just one muscle group. end rant.

Now, some of my Facebook friends and Twitter followers might end up getting tired of my gym\weight loss updates.  That's ok.  Please know that when I post something like that it's not because I'm bragging, it's because I'm proud and I have a feeling of accomplishment.  Sure the "At a boy's" don't hurt, every word of encouragement is not wasted, I assure you.  Speaking of progress, let me share with you my goals.  I'm currently just under 200lbs, and ~25% Body Fat. Not great.  However, this is a lot better than say two weeks ago.  My Goal is to be around 180-190lbs with ~13% body fat.  Essentially I need to lose about 40 pounds of fat while gaining 20 pounds of muscle. Completely doable, and I've very motivated.

Next week (Later this week because this post is late) I'll go into a little more detail of the diet, that is if you would like me to. Let me know.

Until next time dear readers...

(PS - My previous blog post was by far the most viewed I've ever had, and I've gotten a TON of emails regarding it, I try my best to answer each one, but don't be afraid to send another one if I haven't responded within a few days!)


  1. Keep it up! Diet details would be awesome - I'm always looking for tasty healthy foods.
