Thursday, May 10, 2018

Looking Back

Recently I've been thinking.  I know, probably not the greatest thing for me to do.  Nevertheless, I've been contemplating about making my life a little more private.  I post a lot on this blog, I update a lot on Facebook and Instagram, but am I hurting myself by doing that?  I know of several people who would immediately say "YES!" and I can't really disagree with them.  The only counterpoint I can come up with is that I am probably doing more good than harm.  That is good for others vs harm to myself.  I get a steady stream of emails, texts, facebook messages, etc on how I've motivated someone to do something.  I've had several that honestly have made me tear up reading them.  Those people are the ones that have faced much more than I can imagine, yet see that it doesn't have to always be bad.

Your struggles determine your successes. So, we can derive from that, that you can not be successful at something without facing struggles. I mean it, think about your work, your relationships, and pretty much everything in your life. Those who aren’t successful are usually focused solely on the result. You need to focus and be in love with the process to get there. Want to get your PhD? Be in love with the studing, the research and the constant judgement by your professors and peers. It is all about the process. Want an awesome body? Learn to love the gym time and the diet. If you don’t, you will give up. Fact of life, unfortunately. The unhappy truth in life is not everyone will be successful. I mean, if everyone was, then how would you measure if you were or not?

So what’s wrong with not being successful? Not a thing. What’s wrong with being ordinary? Again, not a thing. It’s the ordinary things in life that are truly special. Spending time with a loved one. Teaching your child to ride a bike. Meeting friends for lunch. It’s totally the normal things that make life love living.  There are those though, who think they have to have to have the best, be the best, and it's not a question if they should, they feel it's their right.  That's called entitlement. There are two two of entitlement, the first goes likes this: I am so much better than everyone else, therefore I deserve special treatment.  The second goes like this: Everyone is so much better than I am, therefore I deserve special treatment.  That's dangerous thinking, the kind that can (and will) alienate everyone in your life. Everyone is special and unique, but that does not mean everyone deserves special treatment.  I mean, if everyone got special treatment, it wouldn't be special, it would just be, well, treatment.

Let me end today's post with this: the things most easily obtained, are the things that are easiest to lose.  What does that mean? Well, the world builds on your insecurities.  Almost all forms of marketing are trying to point out some that is wrong or missing from your life, often things you never thought about until the advertisement was presented to you.  Want to lose weight? Take this pill! Want to have beautiful hair? Try this shampoo!  Do you have a bald spot? We have hair in a spray can!  People get these products because they are insecure about something, and are willing to take the easiest option to try to fix it.  The honest truth is simple. To get something that is lasting, it's going to take a lot of work.  It's going to take a crap ton of time and dedication.  Results aren't always immediate, but they are lasting.  So, if you want it, be prepared to spend a lot of time and a lot of effort into attaining it.  Not only will it last, but you will feel a greater sense of pride and accomplishment for all said hard work.

While I know I was a bit all over the place on topics on this one, I still think that it's a solid post.

Until next time, dear readers...

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