Monday, June 4, 2018

Oh, the Possibilities

Let me start this post with a very big thank you to all who have chosen me to help them in their journey to get fit and healthy via  I've gotten quite a few clients that are employing my services as an uncertified personal trainer, and so far, everything has been going incredibly well.  I say uncertified, because, well, I am.  I'm preparing to take the certification for both personal trainer and strength coach, as that's the direction I want to take my career.

Now, on to other things.  My book.  It is coming along quite nicely, but the more I get into it, the more I worry about offending people.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to alter any content so that everything is sunshine and rainbows, but I'm finding myself with the dilemma of wanting to omit certain sections that would cause conflict.  As far as what people think of me, I don't concern myself with that too much, because that's not my issue, whoever is thinking about me, well, that's their problem.  The problem I find myself facing is that in some cases I might be forcing some people to take a deeper look at themselves (something that probably should have happened a long time ago), but I worry that it isn't my place to go around pointing out flaws.  It's really not anyone's place to that.  If I don't, however, they might continue on a bad path.  It's a pretty big internal battle, my rough drafts have a lot of strikethroughs in them.

A lot of my readers apparently loved it when I just imparted a little wisdom with a little story, which, to all of those readers I say, I've got a great book in progress for you.  To continue with that theme, I'll tell a bit from my chapter on the inventory system.  James Lee Burke stated "There's nothing like rejection to make you do an inventory of yourself."  Rejection is one of the main events that lead to change.  The rejection can be romantic, career related or social, it doesn't matter, we will all perceive rejection differently.  We will even perceive it differently than we have previously perceived the same type of rejection.  That's called growth, and if it's in a good direction, it's a great thing.  The inventory system, which I have talked about here before is an amazing, yet difficult way to progress with your life.

The personal inventory is, as it sounds, about you.  You have to look at yourself, figure out what you like about yourself and dislike about yourself at this point in time.  Make the list, no matter how hard, no matter how much you don't want to write down that thing that you hate about yourself that no one else knows about, write it down.  No one will see this but you.  Write down what you'd like to see yourself as.  It can be anything, healthier, slimmer, at a better job, in a loving relationship, anything at all.  Now, figure out how to remove those bad things, even if it takes time, work on it everyday.  Figure out what small steps you need to take to reach those goals you wrote down.  Make a little progress everyday.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?  Well, that's not always literally the case, but the goal isn't to win the race, it's to cross the finish line.

Until next time, dear readers...

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