Saturday, November 24, 2018

For the Giving of Thanks

At this time of year, we are encouraged to be thankful for everything in our lives.  I really have no problems with that, with the one exception that I wish people would do this all year long.  As I’m no exception, I thought I would share some of my things I’m thankful for.

  1. My Family
  2. My Job
  3. My Gym Family
  4. My Health
  5. My Faith
  6. My Lessons Learned This Year
There are many more things I am thankful for, but these are the most important. I would also like to take the time to thank all those who have served our country - past, present, and future.  Your personal sacrifices allow us to live our lives freely.  I also want to thank those who help others with no expectation of a return, that’s the sign of a truely humble person.

My dream of being a sponsored athlete is slowly becoming true, and as such, I am building my brand up more, so here are some new shirts being made available soon.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Addressing the Questions

After posting my last entry about taking a break I got a lot of questions via email.  Instead of waiting for me to fully return to my blog to answer them, I thought I should go ahead and do it.

  1. I am taking a break, not quitting.
  2. I will still respond to emails, as time allows. 
  3. Yes, there is more currently going on than me writing my book, but lately I’ve been juggling more than usual, but really, who honestly isn’t dealing with 101 problems everyday? Just me? No?
  4. Are you working on that science fiction romance novel about the two cyborgs who fall in love? No. Saving that one for later. 
  5. Can I be in your book? Probably not. If you are it’s either a really good thing or a really bad thing. Law of extremes.
  6. Finally, yes, I was serious about the book, and I address super serious topics. 
Once again, I will be back, just a brief break. 

Until next time, dear readers...

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Short Break

I know it's been a bit since my last entry, I apologize.  I have been working on my book, and it's been taking most of my writing time.  I do appreciate the letters you have sent asking how I'm doing, I'm actually doing quite well, and I've did my best to respond to each one of you personally.

Some of you might be wondering what book I'm talking about, so I'll tell you.  I've been working on for some time my autobiography.  It's about 30% done at the moment and I'm already doing rewrites on some chapters.  I've got two interested publishers, so this time I won't be self publishing.  I will be sending out free ebook versions to some of my readers, but I'll announce more about that in the future.  Again, thanks for your patience right now, I will be back soon!

Until next time, dear readers...