Monday, December 31, 2018

Obligatory Annual Post About a New Year

So, I’ve told you I’ve been working on the list with no explanations, and here it is.  There will be an accompanying podcast to this entry, so look for that here.

  1. Don’t doubt yourself.
  2. Accept your flaws, the sooner you do, the sooner you can be you.
  3. Never depend on someone else for your happiness.
  4. You are responsible for your reactions to situations, not necessarily the situations. 
  5. You do not have to solve everyone’s problems, only work on your own.
  6. Never be afraid to say No.
  7. Just because someone else can’t see your worth, that doesn’t devalue you.
  8. Take at least a few minutes each day and devote them to yourself.  Breathe. Know you are stronger than your struggles.
  9. Read.
  10. Laugh at yourself. We all make dumb mistakes, learn from and laugh at them.
  11. Set goals, realistic, attainable goals.
  12. Pay attention to people, they always show you who they are, no words required.
  13. You can only grow by reaching out of your comfort zone, so if you want to try something new, do it.
  14. Don’t be too near sighted that you don’t see what’s right in front of you while you are looking for something else.
  15. Things do happen for a reason, but sometimes we never get to find out what that reason is.
  16. When one door is closed, another will open, it just might be a long walk down the hall.
  17. Practice the pause. Especially before you speak.
  18. It’s ok if people try to make up stories about you, that means you are doing something right to make them jealous.
  19. If you start with honesty, everything else will come naturally.  If you end with honesty, it’s too late.
  20. Don’t put a filtered picture of yourself on a dating site\app.  I mean, the goal is to meet, so, yeah, don’t.
  21. Don’t live in the past, it made you who you are, live in the present, looking forward to what the future will bring. 
  22. Your two most precious resources are your time (attention) and energy. Use them wisely, they aren’t infinite. 
So, there they are.  Don’t worry, I’m compiling a list of all of these, so you don’t have to keep searching.  The podcast about these will be here soon.

Until next time, dear readers...

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

James ‘The Machine’ Riggs

A little dramatic? Too much? Not enough? Trying to figure out my ring name, as in boxing ring.  I’m liking this one right now, and it’s just the nickname I have at the gym, so I didn’t have to think hard.  It helps I have machinery tattooed on my right leg.

Around this time of year (end of year), it’s customary for you to reflect on all of your inadequacies over the past 12 months and see about changing some things.  This is something I try to do throughout the year, I mean, if I list out all my problems one time a year, it’s going to be a long list to look at.  Break it into chunks, every few months do your personal inventory.  More than just making your inventory, address it, try to get the problem solved.

Enough about all that though, I’m working up another of my “lists with no explanations.”  It it shaping up well, so I’m hoping you like it.  There will be a podcast counterpart to the blog entry, and I might go a little in depth there, but who needs feelings, right?

Back to the boxing front, I’be watched all the boxing movies I could find and I am sure I could be the next champion.  That’s of course a joke.  Runner up is probably more realistic.  Seriously, I am taking up boxing, and we will see if I can avoid getting a concussion.  Also,m we will see if I can avoid a concussion.  (See what I did there?)

Until next time dear readers...

Monday, December 17, 2018

Podcasting. Who knew??

Well, it seems that the podcast was a good idea.  I have gotten a lot of good feedback (positive and negative), and I’m taking all that into consideration.  I’m looking for new equipment to use instead of all the built in mics and whatnot.

A couple of you have suggested some things I can do on the podcast, and I’m slowly going to try them out.  In my next episode I will address a single struggle I’ve been through and my advice for getting through it.  Sorry, at this point there won’t be any relationship advice, I’ve decided, much like LEGO Batman, I do do ships (as in relationships). No, instead I will be talking about having limited time with your own children.  The worst part of divorce, is the literal splitting of time between the parents.  It’s rough, but I have a little advice on that.

The vlog is coming along, slowly, but it is.  I’ve also, started a whole redo of “Regular Dad.”  I still love the concept, but at this point, the name isn’t fitting, so I’ll have to search my brain for another title.  Still plan a lot of laughs in it, but there will be a moral (just like the government mandated in 1980s cartoons) in each episode.

I know I have thanked all of you already for the support, but again, the kind words or words of encouragement did not fall upon deaf ears.  I heard you, and although some things took a little longer than others to process, I have taken everything to heart.  I really have the best readers\listeners\watchers on the internet.

Until next time, dear readers...

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Dark Is a Relative Term

After much conversation with my readers and soul searching, I've decided not to stop the blog.  On the contrary, there have been a lot of ideas I have been toying around with that I will now start to act on.

My blog brand has been growing, and as such I’m going to expand my media reach.  Ok, I know what you’re thinking - what?  That is just a fancy way of saying I’m going to expand my brand by producing video and audio content.  The audio (in the form of podcasts) will be first and I test these waters.

I want to thank all of you who have wrote emails, texted, called and stopped me on the street to tell me not to stop.  There were several things that happened back to back in my life that made me rethink a lot of life choices, but in the end, stopping the blog seemed like a bad idea all the way around.

In building my “brand”, I have created and to futher the brand and inform and entertain you.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.  Bad idea, I know.  The old adage of making lemonade from lemons while seems cliche to say, but it’s true.  People and things that are brought into you life are either a blessing or a lesson (in the best of scenarios they are both, but that is rare it seems).  It’s been said that the day you stop learning, is the day you start dying. So, I’ve decided to learn.  About others, about the world, but mainly I’m going to be going on a long journey of self discovery.  I am inviting you to join me on the journey, and I really want you to continue to send me your feedback, any help along the way will be worth it’s weight in gold.

I just want to say again, thank you - from the bottom of my heart, because it has been your support which has made me realize that I am not responsible for what happens to me, or how others treat me, but I am 100% responsible for my reactions to both.  Taking control of that is my goal, only good vibes from here on out.

Be sure to check out my two new sites, I will of course post more about them on here, but the actually content will be on those sites.  They are in the early stages, so I’m sorry if they aren’t up to par at the moment.

Until next time dear readers...

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Going Dark

Dear readers,

This might be my last post, at least for a long time.  There have been a lot of events lately that have really wore me down.  The emails and messages asking how I was doing were greatly appreciated, and I answered as many of you as I could.

Normally I would end my entry as usual “Until next time dear readers” but that may not be appropriate now.

Thank you dear readers, it has been my pleasure to interact and entertain you, I wish all of you the best.