Monday, December 31, 2018

Obligatory Annual Post About a New Year

So, I’ve told you I’ve been working on the list with no explanations, and here it is.  There will be an accompanying podcast to this entry, so look for that here.

  1. Don’t doubt yourself.
  2. Accept your flaws, the sooner you do, the sooner you can be you.
  3. Never depend on someone else for your happiness.
  4. You are responsible for your reactions to situations, not necessarily the situations. 
  5. You do not have to solve everyone’s problems, only work on your own.
  6. Never be afraid to say No.
  7. Just because someone else can’t see your worth, that doesn’t devalue you.
  8. Take at least a few minutes each day and devote them to yourself.  Breathe. Know you are stronger than your struggles.
  9. Read.
  10. Laugh at yourself. We all make dumb mistakes, learn from and laugh at them.
  11. Set goals, realistic, attainable goals.
  12. Pay attention to people, they always show you who they are, no words required.
  13. You can only grow by reaching out of your comfort zone, so if you want to try something new, do it.
  14. Don’t be too near sighted that you don’t see what’s right in front of you while you are looking for something else.
  15. Things do happen for a reason, but sometimes we never get to find out what that reason is.
  16. When one door is closed, another will open, it just might be a long walk down the hall.
  17. Practice the pause. Especially before you speak.
  18. It’s ok if people try to make up stories about you, that means you are doing something right to make them jealous.
  19. If you start with honesty, everything else will come naturally.  If you end with honesty, it’s too late.
  20. Don’t put a filtered picture of yourself on a dating site\app.  I mean, the goal is to meet, so, yeah, don’t.
  21. Don’t live in the past, it made you who you are, live in the present, looking forward to what the future will bring. 
  22. Your two most precious resources are your time (attention) and energy. Use them wisely, they aren’t infinite. 
So, there they are.  Don’t worry, I’m compiling a list of all of these, so you don’t have to keep searching.  The podcast about these will be here soon.

Until next time, dear readers...

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