Thursday, February 28, 2019

All Apologies

So, a lot of things have transpired since my last post.  I’ve made people mad, and I’ve made people happy, and I’ve came to the same conclusion that many people already have.  You can’t please everyone, and if you do, you are lying to them or to yourself.

I’ve never in my life set out to hurt anyone.  I’m not that type of person.  I have however, ended up hurting some people, and I will be eternally sorry for that.

In the end, you have to do what you feel is right in your heart.  You may make people mad when you do something that is right for you, and although that is horrible, again, you have to do what you feel is right for you,

So, you might notice the new website address.   I’ve been changing a few things, and this is one of them, the site is now, since it has expanded beyond just a normal blog.

To those I’ve hurt, please know that it was never my intention, and that I do care for you deeply.  To those who are in my life, making me happy, thank you.  I haven’t really been this happy for some time, and it’s an amazing feeling.

Until next time, dear readers...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

(Another) Word on Divorce

So, I still get a lot of questions about my divorce and how I’ve coped with it. Here’s what I’ll say, everything else (well, this too) is in my book, be looking for that.

My divorce.  It changed my life, in all sorts of ways, and really to this day affects me.  With no details being given, let’s just say I had a reason to mistrust, and there is little else on this earth that hurts like having to say goodbye to someone who is still living, especially when you have so much you’d like to say, but you know it would fall on deaf ears.

The night I was essentially kicked out of my own home was horrible, I still occasionally have nightmares that relive that evening.  I literally lost (almost) everything, with just four words, “I want a divorce.”  Of course, there were some problems, but the ones she was bringing up were things that had been resolved, so she was just looking for a reason, and I wasn’t ready to end things just yet, but that didn’t matter, she was done.  There was no, “Hey, I think we are having issues, let’s work on them,” there was just a “get out.”

It cuts incredibly deep, and has changed the way that I look at any new relationship.  I’ve been through several relationships, and there is always several factors that are different now.  First of all, I have three beautiful girls and their opinion means a great deal to me.  Being the sympathetic children they are, if they see that the person is making me happy, then they like them, if not, well, they let me know.  As I’m looking for a potential lifelong partner, their opinion is almost more important than mine in some regards.  I’ve had my parents weigh in on occasion, and again, I value their opinion, but what it all boils down to is trust.  Can I trust this person? There have been those I trusted, even after my divorce, which turned out to be a bad idea.  There has been a lot of emotions going through my head as I had tried to date.

Where am I at now?  Well, that’s my business, but let’s just say, finding the right person to trust and love isn’t easy, and when you do, it has the potential to be absolutely amazing.  I’m extremely careful whom I place my heart in care with.

Friday, February 8, 2019

A Word on Humility

Humility:  the quality or condition of being humblemodest opinion or estimate of one's ownimportance, rank, etc.

Ok, first off, humility is something everyone can achieve, so I want to squash that bug right now.  It takes a person to willing want to change their mindset from being a braggart to being quiet.

I try everyday to be a humble person, some say I am, others say I’m not, but although I do value other’s opinions, it’s not their opinion that means the most to me.  The opinions that matter moUIKeyInputDownArrowst are my own and those very close to me, but mainly my own.  If I can wake up, proud of who I am, then what the rest of the world thinks matters little.  I try my best to achieve humility, it’s a process that is continual and I will continue it for the rest of my life.

I’m at the gym, a lot.  There are a lot of people there who claim to be humble.  I hate to break it to you, but if say you are humble, or do acts of charity just to brag about them, then you are indeed not humble.  I joke around sometimes about how humble I am (usually quoting any of Muhamad Ali’s speeches), but that’s what it is, a joke.  I do not believe I am humble, I believe I am a work in progress, and will forever be so.  I hope to be so.  

Signs you aren’t humble:

  1. You say this when someone tells you an accomplishment of theirs, “Oh yeah, well I did...”
  2. You look for ways to help people where it will be noticed publicly.
  3. When you think “This will make me look good” before you do something.
  4. You are Muhamad Ali
Of course, this is a short list, but it’s the majority of the stuff I see.  It does upset me that people act this way, and it upsets me more that people fall for it. 

Until next time, dear readers...

Friday, February 1, 2019

Simple Relationship Advice

So, I get a lot of questions asking for advice in different aspects of relationships.  I don’t know why, I clearly am not a good example when it comes to ships, as in relationships.  However, I am learning. Here, in my famous format, is a list of tips for relationships.

  1. Never stop winning your partner over, just because you landed the relationship, it doesn’t mean you need to stop that.
  2. Learn.  Things may go good, or go bad, but learn, and admit your part and work on it.
  3. Love yourself first.  You are an amazing person, and you need to realize that before you let anyone try to love you the way you need to be specifically loved.
  4. Put your phone down.
  5. Listen.  Don’t just hear what they are saying, but listen.
  6. Sometimes people just need compassion, not guidance.
  7. Treat every day as a new opportunity to express how your partner makes you feel.
  8. Don’t avoid issues, deal with them.
  9. Be completely honest, not just with your partner, but yourself. Especially yourself.
  10. When in doubt, talk it out.
  11. Never miss an opportunity to praise your partner, not just in public, but in private too.
  12. Long lasting relationships are not two people needing each other.  They are two people who do NOT NEED one another, but choose every day that they WANT each other, and show their partner that at every opportunity.

There, that’s a good start.  I am by no means saying I’m proficient at any of these, but these are a few of the things I’ve learned that help relationships grow and stay strong.  If you feel you can’t do all of these, gladly and with pride, maybe it’s not the right relationship. There is no rule that says if you are in love with someone that they are the right person for you.  As someone who has had several failed attempts at relationships (including a failed marriage), let me tell you, sometimes your love for someone isn’t the same as their love for you. Feeling ashamed and embarrassed is not a part of a healthy, “right” relationship.

I can’t tell you if you are with the right person, and even if I did, what are the chances you would really listen?  As humans, we don’t like to admit we are ever wrong, because over the centuries being wrong has been associated with being a failure.  I’ve learned more about myself and about life in general by being wrong than I ever have by being right.  Being wrong has brought me to where I am in my life, and right now, I’m pretty happy.  I know that there is still a lot of work for me to do, but getting things wrong is how I will get there.  

Until next time, dear readers...