Friday, February 8, 2019

A Word on Humility

Humility:  the quality or condition of being humblemodest opinion or estimate of one's ownimportance, rank, etc.

Ok, first off, humility is something everyone can achieve, so I want to squash that bug right now.  It takes a person to willing want to change their mindset from being a braggart to being quiet.

I try everyday to be a humble person, some say I am, others say I’m not, but although I do value other’s opinions, it’s not their opinion that means the most to me.  The opinions that matter moUIKeyInputDownArrowst are my own and those very close to me, but mainly my own.  If I can wake up, proud of who I am, then what the rest of the world thinks matters little.  I try my best to achieve humility, it’s a process that is continual and I will continue it for the rest of my life.

I’m at the gym, a lot.  There are a lot of people there who claim to be humble.  I hate to break it to you, but if say you are humble, or do acts of charity just to brag about them, then you are indeed not humble.  I joke around sometimes about how humble I am (usually quoting any of Muhamad Ali’s speeches), but that’s what it is, a joke.  I do not believe I am humble, I believe I am a work in progress, and will forever be so.  I hope to be so.  

Signs you aren’t humble:

  1. You say this when someone tells you an accomplishment of theirs, “Oh yeah, well I did...”
  2. You look for ways to help people where it will be noticed publicly.
  3. When you think “This will make me look good” before you do something.
  4. You are Muhamad Ali
Of course, this is a short list, but it’s the majority of the stuff I see.  It does upset me that people act this way, and it upsets me more that people fall for it. 

Until next time, dear readers...

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