Thursday, March 14, 2019

Tattoos and Taboos

Tattoos, do I have any? Oh yes, I do.  Am I going to get more? Absolutely.

Tattooing has been around for almost ever.  There are plenty of opinions on the subject, and it makes it hard to distinguish some facts.  First of all, people from all walks of life have tattoos, there isn’t anything inherently evil or wrong about getting a tattoo, however, that is also dependent of the tattoo you are getting.

There has been (and probably will be for some time) a debate amongst Christians on whether or not it is a sin to get a tattoo.  For the side that thinks it is a sin, they will usually quote Leviticus 19:28 - "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourself".  Those that use this verse as their proof that it is wrong are actually misinformed or are taking it out of context.  

Our modern concept of tattooing isn’t actually addressed in the Bible, as it wasn’t really in practice at that time.  That verse is actually referring to a practice that was in use at that time, cutting, marking or gashing your own body for ritualistic purposes, used frequently while mourning the dead.  Instead of being called tattooing, it should really be called scarring or scarification, which is completely different that our modern definition of tattooing.

That being said, anything on your body that is sacrilegious would be a sin by all accounts, so basically, you have to use common sense to figure out if the tattoo you are getting is in direct defiance of your religious beliefs, so it should be a pretty cut and dry matter.  Often the simplest explanation is the best.

Back to my tattoos, well, I have a Batman Logo on my right shoulder, a Nightwing Logo on my left shoulder, a semi colon on my right inner wrist and a tear away revealing machinery on my right leg\calf.  Each one I have has a special meaning to me, even if it is silly, and not one of them violates any of my religious beliefs\morals.  As I said, I plan on getting more, but haven’t set in stone (or flesh) for sure what they are.  I want to get another tear away revealing machinery on my forearm, but I haven’t decided which yet.  I also want a lion on my chest (Leo’s gotta represent, right?).

Here are some good examples: 

I also have a very special tattoo planned that I am getting next, and it will be a matching tattoo that Cassie and I are both getting.  By far it will be my most emotional and meaningful tattoo.  Now, I hear an all too familiar comment very often, and it’s something like “You going to regret getting a tattoo when you are old and saggy.”  First off, the tattoos I’ve gotten so far and the ones for the future are not in locations that will actually “sag” that much, if at all, so that’s not a worry in my mind.  Now, about the old part?  I doubt that when I get old my biggest regret is going to be that Batman Has been on my shoulder all that time.  I also think of this couple when I hear the “old” argument come up:

I see no problems with tattoos as long as you stay true to who you are when you decide what the artist will do when they put the needle to your skin.

Your thoughts?

Look for a special podcast episode coming up soon, the first (of many hopefully) with an incredibly special guest.

Until next time, dear readers...

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