Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Pause...

“Practice the pause” is a common thing to hear when someone is trying to warn someone from saying or doing something that might have a long lasting negative impact on someone or something.  It’s easy to derive from the phrase what it means, but I’ve seen so many situations escalate out of control because they didn’t think before they spoke or acted, and it can have long lasting, maybe permanent negative effects.  I have been thinking of how I can make it easier for me to show my own children how important that pause really is, so I’ve tried to come up with a checklist of sorts to help.

Before you speak or act in anger, ask yourself - is what you are about to say or do going to:
  • Hurt someone’s feelings?
  • Hurt someone physically? (providing this is not self defense)\
  • Attack or blame someone else not present (or even involved)?
  • Directly mislead someone so that you appear to not be at fault?
If you said yes to any of these, then, change your behavior, or at least remain silent.  I’ve seen long time friends stop talking to each other over a stupid comment made in anger that could have been avoided as it was unnecessary. I know this isn’t an easy thing to change, and it takes a lot of work over time.  You have to consciously check yourself in almost every situation you encounter throughout the day.

Hey, nobody’s perfect, and honestly sometimes our flaws are what make us better.  Just be you, and do no harm.

Until next time, dear readers...

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