Saturday, June 8, 2019

On Death and Dying (Not the Book)

I find myself here thinking a lot about life and death lately. They are forever linked, but not one in the same.  Different religions have different ideas and teaching about life after death, and there are many similarities between some of said religions.  This is not that article though, I’m not getting into a debate on religion, and which one has it “right.”  Never talk about politics or religion on a blog.  Just kidding, about 40% of blogs are dedicated to just those topics alone, but for my purposes, I will try my best to refrain.

Last week, Cassie’s sister laid to rest her not yet three month old baby.  If you have read my blog in the past, you know I don’t handle death well, I’m not sure why.  For whatever reason, I avoid the topic and when death happens, I still try to avoid it unless it is just unavoidable.  I have been to funerals where the deceased passed unexpectedly and suddenly, but not someone so young.  I hope I never have to again.  Never again.

This isn’t a post about a specific death or death in general, actually to the contrary this post is about life.  More specifically, about living life.  Our time upon this globe is very brief (yes, quoting\paraphrasing Dickens), and it is too short to be anything other than happy.  Don’t spend your time trying to make others feel bad so that you feel better by comparison.  Lifting up your fellow man is far more rewarding than pushing them down.  I’m not saying you should be someone who is constantly helping anyone and everyone, no, I’m not saying that at all.  Being kind doesn’t mean you need to be gullible, if someone consistently acts a negative way or hurts you repeatedly, you should avoid a situation where you would be putting yourself in a position to be hurt.  Common sense does play a part in all this.

You never get a wasted day back.  Lazy days are mentally refreshing, but only on occasions.  Again, time is a resource that you can never get back.  An interesting parallel I will mention is that recently I read quite a few articles and a doctoral thesis on time travel.  It was very interesting that on paper, forward travel (faster than we currently go) is possible.  Ther are many variables that we currently don’t have the technology or comprehension on the subject, so we wait until we do.  The funny thing was that when traveling back in time was mentioned, it was stated to be much more difficult and the requirements for the theory were impossible to reproduce, i.e. we need a containable black hole. Yeah.  It was fun to read on the topic for a while and daydream about what I could go back and fix, but on the other hand, everything that has happened made me who I am, and I like who I am right now, so why would I change it?  It is an ethical\moral\mental challenge to try to grasp the possibility.

Enough of my rambling, for those who keep asking, yes, I will release another podcast, just hold on to your pants.

Until next time, dear readers...

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