Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Penny Lane

There she is, cute little Penny Penny.  For those of you friends with me on the book of faces, you know that we lost our cute little pit puppy.  She was 1 day shy of being only nine months old.  She had a leg that the bone didn't form quite right so it was all but useless, but she used it.  She used it to paw at you to get scratches.  She used it to make you give her more scatches when you would stop.  She would use it to put around your arm when you were laying next to her holding her.

She was a cuddle bug.  She was moral and mental support for Cassie at home.  She really was a good puppy, and always, always happy.  She was however, ate up with worms she just couldn't fight off.  She would give you those puppy eyes and your heart would just sink, there was little that could be done.  By the time she started showing any symptoms, it was too late.

This will be a relatively short post, but I wanted to end it with a good story about Penny, so here it is.

Late one night, I had fallen asleep in the living room watching top 10 ghost videos on youtube and Cassie was laying in bed.  Penny was outside, and barking.  Cassie got up to see what it was, but found that she was barking at the only really dark area of our back yard between our shed and our fence.  Cassie wakes me up in a panic and, me, in all my recollection of the videos I had just watched went to investigate.  At any moment I knew I would find the ghost of a little girl asking me to play or something, but when all was said and done, we never figured out what she was barking at.  It wasn't until the other day I found out the other part of the story.  Cassie had went to go investigate herself before waking me.  As she went to stand next to Penny on the back patio to see what she was barking at, Penny darted past Cassie, heading towards the door, as if to say, "tag, you're it, I'm out."  She was like our own little Scooby Do at that moment.

You will be missed dear puppy.

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