Wednesday, December 23, 2020

A Word on Self Growth

 Dear readers,

I try to post the positive, but alas, not everything is sunshine and roses.  Riggs Leatherworks is starting to take off which makes me happy  Unfortunately, there are people in this world who just can't have a positive spin on the things they do.

As my father and I were making our way back from DFW, my mom called and said the place where our storage units where (he has one, I have one) said my locker had been broken into.  This isn't new, this happens on a regular basis, however, this time they were right.

Starting from the back of my approximately 8x20ft unit, they started at the back and ransacked everything possible. All this on a day special to our family (It was my grandfather's birthday).  Police were called, reports were made, but it looks like the perpetrators fife't have enough sense to cover some of their tracks, so we might have a good lead soon.

Now, I also had gotten food poisoning that day unbeknownst to be.  That has mostly finished wrecking my body at least. 

There are a lot of negatives, but I must be growing, because, while I am upset, I know that I'll get through it, and that whoever decided to play around in my storage isn't important.  Things aren't important, people are.

Like I said, I must be growing emotionally even at my oldish age.

Me as a Benedictine Monk

Look for more positives coming, I'm about 12,000 words into the book about Bushido, and I'm up to my neck in work for clients.  I've been busy, and at times it's a bit overwhelming, but I got this.

Until next time, dear readers...

P.S. - I know quite a few of you read the first chapter of my book, would anyone be interested in an audio version? Let me know!

Saturday, November 28, 2020


As most of you dear readers know, I am working on a story to go with the samurai armor sets I'm building. It's been an interesting work, but I thought I would share with you first, the non-final draft first chapter.  Let me know what you think! (Although his first true mask isn't mentioned in this chapter, it is already for sale!) 



The Way of the Lost Samurai

For years “honorable” samurai have been raiding villages on their way to or from a mission. By definition, this is unbecoming of a samurai. 

Ando Shukishi was tired of it.  He was a blacksmith by trade, and unlike most of his village, he could read. And that he did, a lot.  That’s how he learned of the Samurai Code, and he tried to live by it.  When he had seen such atrocities committed by this “Samurai,” he felt utter disgust, but he also felt the need to do something.

Ando decided to begin making himself some armor, he was outlining the armor pattern on some paper when someone walked into his blacksmith shop. His name was Sumida Kobo, and he was known to be brutal.  He was the leader of the Samurai who raided the villages. Sumida took the armor pattern, thanked Ando and walked out. Before he left, he turned to Ando, looking through his One designed mask and said “If I find that you or anyone is even thinking of opposing me or the Shogunate, you lives will be the price.”

Ando kept his cool, and he realized he would have to work more stealthily on his project.  In direct opposition to the raiders, he decided to make his own Samurai Armor, but it wouldn’t be black as there’s, but brown, to set him apart.  It was also not needed to dye leather to make it brown, and as dye was expensive, nor was not easy to come by. He read many old books on how the construction of the armor took place.  Ando was, fortunately, a man of patience, and he knew that this project was not going to be fast, but in the end it would be well worth it, if it worked.

In the village was a “retired” warrior.  Ando knew he could trust and confide in him his plans.  The retired warrior, Jissoji Harumi, laughed.  While he thought it was a good plan, he did not think Ando was the one to wear the armor, he wasn’t ready physically, or mentally.  They worked together and came to an agreement, Jissoji would teach Ando everything he knew, and all he asked in return was that Ando stop the raids by whatever means, but most importantly that Kobo answer for his crimes.

To kill a Samurai of the Emperor, is considered treason and punishable by death.  He decided he would approve this politically as well.  He sent a letter to the emperor in which the whole village put their mark on.  Hopefully this would put an end to the raids, but just in case, Ando continued to make plans for his armor and Jissoji continued to train him.  The path has been started, now we see where it goes.

The group of samurai that Jissoji was a member of had a primary color of blue, so his blade set was blue.  If wouldn’t match the armor, but as long as they worked, that was the main concern. Ando’s practice sessions could last 3-4 hours a day, and while training he became aware of places on the body that armor would be beneficial. Jissoji did not have his blue armor, but presented it back to the Emperor when he retired. 

During this time, the raids did continue, so either the letter had not made it, or the emperor did not care, they were on their own.  Ever since finding the armor Ando was working on, Kobo would inspect his smith shop every raid to make sure he wasn’t making any weapons or armor for anyone.  It was tedious, he did have time to hide his project plans behind a false wall before the “inspection.”

So far, going by what Jissoji had remember of his armor, Ando had made a mask pattern, one that looked like Kobo’s, but different in design. His armor would be again, brown, plain and simple like the village he so loved, and he would not adorn his mask with the image of an Oni, but something else. Something that he knew would frighten Kobo, but what was he afraid of?

Jissoji taught Ando Bushido, the way of the warrior.  Slowly instilling within him the positives of the samurai, and not the wrongs of the past they had committed.  The book that Ando had read glorified the Samurai and even had left out some of the main tenants of being samurai. The history of the samurai is not as honorable and glorious as usually remembered. Jissoji saw this as his opportunity to train Ando, and for once in many generations, maybe a true samurai would form from this broken man, taught by an old warrior, is willing to learn to save what he loved, what, Jissoji thought, could be more honorable?

Bushido, the way of the warrior.  Over the generations it had became more of a joke than the true ethical code of conduct it was originally intended to be.  Ando knew nothing of the origins of the samurai, which was good, because the origins are not as romantic as have been suggested.

Bushido. The chivalrous code for the samurai, but did it withstand the test of time? No. Bushido eventually became more of an adaptation model,  an ideal that was no longer tangible because of the current mindset of the samurai.

This is where Jissoji taught Ando about Ronin. They are samurai with no master (or who have conquered their own master) and roam the countryside looking for fights.  Ronin were trouble, they had little honor and the code of Bushido was completely last on them.

Ando looked a bit silly with just his hat on, but Jissoji told him about samurai masks. They were often depicted as Oni (Devils\Demons) to scare away their enemy. This set about a thought in Ando’s mind again.  What can I do to make Kobo terrified instantly. For that, he would have to do some work, some asking around, but lightly enough not to raise suspicion. Luckily, he was a very intelligent man, so he started on his quest, slowly making progress, although most people were afraid to speak of Kobo, because the walls all had ears that led back to him it seemed.


Again, let me know your thoughts!

Until next time, dear readers..

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


As I have mentioned on social media, I planned on filming my own TED talk type show called the JAMES talk.  Well, I had to do an audio only version of the first talk, and I am working on possibly downing the videos, but currently, my setup isn't allowing me that kind of production value.

The first JAMES Talk is about Healing. I don't claim to hold the secret to how to heal, or heal faster (which sounds nice, but might not be best in the long run), but I do hold some tips that help.  Click Below for the first James Talk!

CLICK HERE - JAMES Talk (Healing)

Until next time dear readers...

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Meetings and Partings

In our life we will have many meetings and partings.  I have spoke about this before. Some partings are final, some are not. Meetings happen all the time. 

Something to think about is that you will have just as many partings as you do meetings, in one way or another. I know it’s morbid,  but eventually we will all have to say goodbye to everyone, so make the time you have with people count. 

Without going into detail out of respect for both parties, let just say I'm not in the same relationship I had been in. I'm not upset about my situation, in fact I have three wonderful ladies who keep me pretty busy as it is.   

I know people like a good story, but the long and the short of it is that sometimes people just are not compatible. It’s the lead a horse to water saying in practical application, going both ways, if that makes sense. I’ve learned a lot about myself, good and bad, but more than anything I discovered my self worth. 

Someone once told me to focus on myself and the right people will enter my life, well, that seems very true at this point. I do have a great support system and a back log of leather projects, so that helps a lot. I am at a point where the future is looking pretty good.  I do have some things to get past, and I do have to get back on my diet and exercise plan that I've neglected. And my writing! I now have so much to add, I might get it completed!

Sometimes things hurt.  Things hurt for a reason.  I have been told for some time from multiple sources, that people come into your life to be a lesson or a blessing, I believe this.  There isn't a positive or negative connotation added to this, it's just a fact. I have learned a lot and although there have been so many reasons for me never to try again, I am and I will, and I'm very happy with that part of my life right now.

Everyday is a struggle. Work (Leather business), depression, anxiety, children, people who want to butt into your business, the list goes on and on.  I'm dealing with it on a daily basis, and it wears me down, but when you have the right and true people in your life, it gets easier, and that's where I'm at, well, I'm at the beginning of that phase.

Thank you for a the birthday wishes yesterday, it made me feel incredibly loved!

There are more adventures ahead, we will just have to see what they are, but rest assured, things will not get dull.

Until next time dear readers...

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Are we at this level?

Just be kind.

Is that hard? Apparently.  Be kind, be understanding, and be patient.  We live in a "my feelings are more important than yours" kind of closed minded world.  Combine that with the need for immediate gratification and it's a dangerous combination.

I'm not going to get in a great debate about what is or isn't the best course of action for us as a society, but I'll say this - we have to change.

Those who are doing wrong, must be punished, those who aren't, shouldn't be berated because of the color of there skin, no matter what it happens to be.  Recent events have brought to the forefront our (nation's) past.  It's not a pretty one.  I mean, there have been people all along our history who condone (or don't put forth the effort to stop) things that are unimaginably wrong.

Slavery in the past has not been limited to any race, sex or religion.  There have been near genocides of people based (usually) on their social class, not race.  Our ancestors are not us, would you have your child punished for a crime you committed? No. (If you said yes, well, I don't know what to say to you).

If my ancestors had any part in anything that crossed the lines of racism, sexism, ageism, antireligionism, or anything at all that discriminated against someone, I apologize on their behalf, they were obviously ignorant and maybe society had too much influence on them to make a stand.  I also apologize directly to any victims of discrimination, it is not right, and I hope that we find a way as a society to not continue this practice.

Notice I apologized FOR my ancestors and TO any victims, I haven't apologized for myself.  That's because I am not responsible for discrimination of that type.  I will say that if I personally know you, I may discriminate when I'm choosing someone say, to have lunch with.  I may discriminate against someone because they will talk too much, or maybe they won't talk at all.  Discrimination in itself isn't wrong, it literally means to discern between one thing and another.  If we didn't have some form of discrimination in our life, we might have a life full of half-thought choices, that may not be ideal.

Again, just be kind, follow Wheaton's Law, and remember, if we as a society don't change, and keep attacking ourselves, then what's the point? It's like a dog chasing it's tail if we all don't understand.  Humans are humans, apparently inherently ignorant, but still, all human.  Treat everyone that way.

Until next time, dear readers...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Deep Thoughts by James Riggs

If you are old enough, you remember the SNL skit “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy”. Lot of good, funny and sometimes eerily insightful. Well, as we’ve all had (or most of us) a lot a time in our hands, sometimes the thoughts drift into silly realms, and this segment in the blog is about that.

This post’s deep thought is this: During the quarantine, ideally we should only leave our dwellings for food/necessities and to help and check on others. Now, I’ve seen a lot of memes about how introverts have been preparing for this their whole life. 

I get it, it’s funny. Being an introvert I can relate, but I thought about it, there is a group of people who regularly do this. They don’t go to restaurants, or shopping malls or department stores. They leave their home only for food or necessities and daily check on it he less fortunate. Who? Monks. Not even a specific type or group of monks, it pretty much covers them all. I guess this is proof that not everyone is cut out to be a monk, even if the at home haircuts make them look the part.

Just a little something to think about.

Sorry for the long delay in posting, sometimes life gets in the way.  Not a bad thing, quite the opposite, but it happens, and I apologize, I'll try to be as regular as a middle aged man on Metamucil.

Until next time, dear readers...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Day by Day

A lot of you know that I'm currently in a medical position that working isn't possible.  The alternative for now is to stay at home, and either read, clean house or watch TV.  I admit, I do a lot of the latter.

I've got a lot on my plate, but everything takes time. With all this "free" time, I've did a lot of reflecting.  Reflection is good, but it's really what you do with what you learn from said reflection.  There are a lot of things in my life I need to work on, some I can do on my own, some I can't.  For instance, I can really get back to writing on my own, but as for my medical issues, I have to rely on professionals for that.  That being said, it takes the correct professionals, as I have found that some of the ones where I live should go back to school. For my GI\hernia issues, there is a particular surgeon I've seen who I'm now convinced should not be allowed to do anything regarding GI and hernia issues, as I now have worse problems than when I began seeing that doctor.  I won't mention names, obviously, but I have filed formal complaints to the hospital and state agencies. 

Enough of my complaining, what I really want to talk about is the parts I can work on by myself.  As I mentioned, writing is one of the key areas I'd like to get back to focusing on, so little by little, I force myself to sit down, open up my book in progress and write.  A little more each day goes a long way to the end product.  That made me think (the philosophical part of me kicks in), if I make a little progress each day (on anything, not just my writing), then I can see the change, but others can not.  Sometimes we make a lot of progress (any progress is great), but if we depend or rely on the opinion of others for validation of that progress, we will be let down 99% of the time, and that in turn will cause us not to progress any more.

Right now, there is a lot of negativity in my life that I'm having to deal with.  Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of positivity as well, it's just that the negativity level is too far up the meter.  I do my best to deal with it, in my own way.  I can not rely on others to tell me I'm doing well handling it, because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has their own view on how things should be handled.  Guess what?  I've got this.  I can and will deal with everything, but just as progress on my book, the progress on dealing with the negative people and things in my life is slow as well.  If you remember the inventory process that I've mentioned several times, there are people on this inventory list that I can not (or will not) cut out, no matter how negative and downright mean they are.  In the end, I love these people, and in their own way, I know they love me. 

To wrap this up, I would hope that your takeaways from this rant are that 1) Any progress is great, and 2) Don't look for others for validation.

As always, feel free to write me with your comments\questions\concerns and I will respond, as always.

Until next time, dear readers...

Friday, January 17, 2020

Not Today, Cancer

Some of you are thinking right now, "What is he talking about?" Well, I'll explain. When I had my double hernia repair surgery in December, I started having really bad pains in an area that was not near the repairs.  A few ER visits later and I was diagnosed with acute Diverticulitis, but on my post op appointment with my doctor, he said that he suspected it could be cancer, as sometimes it can appear to be diverticulitis on CT scans, so a colonoscopy was scheduled.  If it was diverticulitis and was bad enough, I would have to have my colon resectioned to fix the issue, if it was cancer, we would have to see the severity and plan accordingly, a lot of tears and fears that day.

Today, I had said colonoscopy and it was not diverticulitis. There was a precancerous polyp in my colon, so, he was correct.  Luckily, it was early enough that he was able to get it out and it looks like there wasn't any that had spread.  Tears for good reasons now.  Several times (especially during the prep day before when I couldn't eat), I thought of just rescheduling and eating to my hearts content.  I mean, it's when you can't eat that everything on TV is food commercials, and EVERYTHING looks great, even if it's food I don't like.  I'm very glad I didn't, and let me encourage anyone who thinks they might have an issue to get it checked out, ASAP.

In my mind, I ran through all the worst case scenarios, cancer, surgery, and what treatment options I would have if surgery didn't work.  I have a tendency to do that, as a professional hypochondriac.  While it was scary that it was what it was, I'm very thankful that it wasn't as bad as I feared.

I'll close out this brief entry with a reiteration, if you have pain or problems, get it checked out, don't wait.

Until next time, dear readers...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

To Grow (Fall Forward)

It's never too late to grow.  It's never too late to admit your mistakes.  There is an amazing speech by Denzel Washington, in which he says it's ok to mess up, it's ok to fall, but fall forward.  Learn from your mistakes, learn from them and make better decisions and choices.  We all are imperfect, and we will mess up, we will falter, but we should take those moments as opportunities to better ourself or others.

In my life, I've made many mistakes, some big, some little.  Always, on the stumbling blocks I had dwelled too much on them.  It takes practice, but even the worst negative can turn into the biggest positive in your life.  I've had close friends and relatives depart from this world, and I harbored many regrets, most commonly that I never let those people know what they meant to me.  Sure, they might have known, but I would have preferred that I made it absolutely clear how much they meant to me.  The solution? Simple actually, while you have those you love, tell them exactly how much they mean to you, don't let them ever wonder how you feel.  Sounds a bit mushy maybe, but it's not always like that.  You can tell a coworker\friend that you respect their work ethic, or their dedication.

Now, I said it was simple, but if you are like me and a confirmed longtime introvert, it may take some practice, but the benefits are well worth going out on a limb with your feelings.  You both benefit from the act.

I guess this post is mainly an affirmation of some changes I'm actively making in my life.  To all of you, my readers, I do appreciate all of you, even those who message me to let me know that they liked my post, but in paragraph 3, section 5, I used "to" instead of "too."  You all play a big part in my life, and I am grateful for each of you.

There is a project I'm working on that I'm documenting, and I'll share in a later post, but I think a lot of you will be able to relate\appreciate it.

Until next time, dear readers...