Sunday, May 17, 2020

Deep Thoughts by James Riggs

If you are old enough, you remember the SNL skit “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy”. Lot of good, funny and sometimes eerily insightful. Well, as we’ve all had (or most of us) a lot a time in our hands, sometimes the thoughts drift into silly realms, and this segment in the blog is about that.

This post’s deep thought is this: During the quarantine, ideally we should only leave our dwellings for food/necessities and to help and check on others. Now, I’ve seen a lot of memes about how introverts have been preparing for this their whole life. 

I get it, it’s funny. Being an introvert I can relate, but I thought about it, there is a group of people who regularly do this. They don’t go to restaurants, or shopping malls or department stores. They leave their home only for food or necessities and daily check on it he less fortunate. Who? Monks. Not even a specific type or group of monks, it pretty much covers them all. I guess this is proof that not everyone is cut out to be a monk, even if the at home haircuts make them look the part.

Just a little something to think about.

Sorry for the long delay in posting, sometimes life gets in the way.  Not a bad thing, quite the opposite, but it happens, and I apologize, I'll try to be as regular as a middle aged man on Metamucil.

Until next time, dear readers...