Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Time Keeps Slipping

We all get older. Despite man’s best efforts, this hasn’t changed. As I get ever closer to being in my 40s, I notice little things. Bones pop and creek with seemingly no reason. You involuntarily announce when you sit down or get up by groaning. All the times my parents or grandparents told me that time goes by faster as you get older make perfect sense now, whereas before it seemed like just something that I was told to make me practice patience. 

With age, things become more fragile. Recently I had a serious fall, and hit a tile floor. After consciousness came back and shock wore off, the pain set in. After a couple of ER visits, the diagnosis was scary. I am getting old. No, that wasn’t the diagnosis. The actual diagnosis was bulging discs in my cervical and thoracic spine. Having to see a neurosurgeon because I fell out of the shower (yes, out of - not in) is a humbling experience. 

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never had any misconceptions about my own mortality, but the quickness it may approach made me take a step back. You learn to appreciate every little blessing in your life and not harbor as much regret or anger at the past. I’ve made mistakes in the past, and I’m sure I’ve got more to make, but dwelling on what you could have or should have done becomes less important, and the importance shifts to the present moment. I guess the point of this short post is that if you have something to do that you’ve been putting off because you assume you’ll have the time later, don’t. Live your best life, and don’t bring others down in order to raise yourself up. 

As for me, Ive decided to approach each day with a fresh set of eyes.  I have chosen to forgive those who have wronged me, even if they don’t see it that way. It’s very have to accept an apology that was never given, but life is too short to hold or harbor grudges or ill will. I will progress day by day, and I’ll take this accident as a shove in the right mental and spiritual direction. 

Until next time, dear readers…

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