Monday, August 8, 2011

OK, OK, Okay

A lot of you have been asking me where this mysterious next episode is, and the truth of the matter is, it doesn't exist. Yet. Lyndsay and I haven't given up on recording another episode, but as crazy as this sounds, it's been roadblock after scheduling roadblock for me to sit down with my very own wife to record the show.

On the bright side, it should be a long episode when if does come out.

And now for something completely different. I finished Arkham Asylum on the PS3 this weekend, I had already finished it a long, long time away on a 360 not so far away, but something spurred me to take up the controller again and finish the game. Not sure what it was that caused it, but I had fun, and after all, life is better when you are having fun, right?

Speaking of fun, in the last month or so, we have went to Medieval Times a couple of times, and it doesn't stop getting fun. We are planning a Disney World Vacation soon, so the one in Orlando will have to get invaded by the Riggs.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Reluctant, Too Personal?

About a week or so ago I wrote a long blog post that I never posted. After reading it I thought "that's too personal, no one wants to read this" and to be honest, I didn't really want anyone to read it, it was more of a diary entry than a blog post.

That got me to thinking. One way to track how my medical situation is video, of which no one besides myself will ever see, but It may actually help me, so I think I'll start. Out of curiosity, anyone else ever (or still) do something similar?

More to come later. FYI, The next GT episode will be out. (Fingers Crossed)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Is that a light? Nope...

OK, so I've been to the surgeon and back to another specialist (hematologist) and now the diagnosis is unclear, but both the surgeon and hematologist said they could help me. Back to square one, and to top everything off, about a week and a half ago, my right side starting hurting really bad (felt to me like a kidney stone), but we haven't found the cause (although there are multiple tests that have indicated problems).

Never a dull moment trying to find out what exactly is happening to me, but eventually I'll get there. Eventually.

So in summary, no surgery, no firm diagnosis, more pain. Awesome.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Long Road, Short Legs

Well, first of all, I've finally found a decent iPad app that will let me post to all my blogs, so hopefully I'll be a bit more active.

I will be keeping this update brief, I know a lot of you have been wondering exactly how I've been doing, and to be honest, not too good. There have been so many medical and emotional roadblocks in the last six months that I often think that I'm in a dream world just waiting to wake up. It's painful, it's emotionally trying (for my family too), and worst of all, it's depressing. They keep finding more wrong, or slightly switching diagnosis, and it's frustrating.

On Friday the 13th (omen?) I go see a surgeon about fixing an extremely rare (and extremely painful) hernia. It sounds like he's going to operate no matter what, so I have that fear in the back of my mind.

Crazy. Anyway, Gaming Together podcasts were put on hold because I was physically unable to stay seated long enough, but now we have planned out the next episode, so we should be recording soon, and regularly. That's it for now, more to come soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad