Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Post Day 1 (Start Day 2)

Ok, so after much consideration the meal plan on this routine is a bit much. I've always heard that it's heather to eat less, but more meals per day (i.e., less portions maybe 5 times a day), but this plan initially included 6-7 meals a day and portions that are about what I usually eat, so I was having a hard time eating, I was having to force food down, and as a matter of fact the "pre-workout" meal I skipped, as not to puke at the gym.

If you know me, you know I hate large groups of people, and going to the gym (in this case it was the YMCA) is a place crawling with people, and I'm out of shape, so it's a bit embarrassing the limits to my workouts (when I was younger, I could push almost twice my body weight, now I am lucky if I could do 3/4 of my current weight.

Speaking of weight, I started on Day 0 at 203, (35% BMI), and last night, I weighed in at 200.2 (33% BMI), and this morning 198.4 (32% BMI). I don't know if it a coincidence or what, but I think it's not - I think that will change even more radically since I'm not gorging myself as the plan originally intended (In looking bad it was for someone with a little more pre-existing mass and muscle, so it makes since right now to cut back. Chest and Triceps are tonight, luckily it looks like I have all the needed equipment at home, I may just go run and get a few heavier weights, but that would be it. Tomorrow is a day of rest. Yea!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Not in Order?

OK, so I spent some time yesterday contemplating how I got so out of shape. It was depressing, I'm overweight, and have no energy most of the time, whether that is a result of medical conditions or just physical condition I don't know. I know this though, I won't let it continue.

After talking with Lyndsay, I am going on kind of an extreme program that will be a process to get used to, but hopefully in 3 months the difference will be obvious. I've been doing a lot of cardio (walking\jogging\stationary bicycle), but I'll be continuing that on tho program, which won't be difficult, it's the going to the gym part that I'm worried about - as most of you know my anxiety is a little high, and changing a daily routine for 3 months is going to be rough. Lyndsay goes through a schedule change every year for three months, but that's a bit different - summer break isn't quite like this program.

I will be taking pictures everyday (Front\side\Back) to track my progress, if after one month there is no noticeable change (physical or mental), I may not continue.

I don't know about sharing the photos, fyi - that's opening myself up to some cruel possibilities a bit. :)

