Monday, July 29, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

Another year has came and went and I'm a year older.

This past year has had a lot of ups, and even more downs. Fortunately, the ups were enough to make this year worth all the downs. There are personal things that I am not ready to discuss publicly yet, but let's say I'm lucky to be alive and leave it at that.

As I was swimming at my Mom & Dad's house yesterday at my party, I was once again struck with the fact that I had indeed gained too much weight. So with that in mind and the image of Hugh Jackman's body from The Wolverine, I'm upping my game. I have entered into a DietBet and will blow it out of the water. To win the bet, I must lose just under 9 pounds in 30 days. My personal goal (long term) is about 50 pounds gone, unless I gave muscle weight, then I am perfectly fine with the trade. First step is weight loss though. I'll be updating my blog and all my fitness apps regularly, and I have even thought more heavily about doing the video blog to track my feeling and progress during the journey.

What do you think?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Keep on Truckin

Almost a week after my big decision to jump into this, I haven't gotten very far. I am down a few pounds, but not enough to consider my plan "working." I would like to jump head first into all the exercise, food and drink changes, but small steps are needed for me. I fear change, and this - as silly as it sounds - is a big life change. It's not just a change until I reach my ideal weight, it's a change for health as well.

With all of the projected changes, I think it's caused a serious panic reaction, so I may be taking it easier than I had hoped, but any progress is progress.

On to the next challenge.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


So, I've not been exactly regular here. I'll try to fix that. I also have spoke many times about losing weight and being serious about it. Well, now I am, but I'm not going to say how serious I am. It was spurred by  someone saying I looked like a person in a TV show. I was unfamiliar with the show so I looked that person up. He was fat. That was an eye opener. First I wanted to get mad, but then I realized, I am overweight. So, I'm getting to it. I'm cutting calories, and I'm slowly going to get back into biking and weight training. I will be posting updates.

As before I will be taking pictures, but will refrain from posting them until I myself see positive results. I have considered starting a thing like my friend Marcia did, but I'm in this for me, and winning money would be nice, but boosting my energy and self confidence is a better reward. I will share this with you: - my MyFitnessPal profile page. I did start at 230 and have slowly gotten down to 220, but I need to be more aggressive. I actually wouldn't mind being 220 with a smaller waist and larger chest. Just a thought.