Thursday, August 29, 2013

Running, Gold Bond and Screaming

As a lot of you know, I have gotten more regular with my exercise, and I feel great. What a lot of you may not know is that I am Bipolar, Type II to be exact. It's common for those on the medications I am on to gain weight, or at least not be able to lose weight. In my research (which I do a lot of) I found that Vitamin D has helped a lot of Bipolar patients to be able to shed that medication weight and then some. I started supplementing Vitamin D in pill form. I don't know if it is coincidence or what, but 24 hours after starting the supplement, I lost 1.1 pounds, the most I have lost in 24 hours in some time. Enough about me, let's talk more about me.

I'm starting off slow, I tried starting fast and ended up with two sets of muscles getting pulled in my right rib cage, which was not very motivational to say the least. I restarted my re-entry to getting physically fit slowly, with walking. Sounds like I'm slowly making my way up to power walking at the park, I know, but it's just to get my body used to the elevated heart rate and get my muscles prepared to get demolished as I get ripped.

To continue, when you are not accustomed to such motions for a prolonged amount of time, and your thighs are ... a little bigger than they should be, you might get a little chaffed. I did. After putting up with the searing heat that this caused for a day (and one more 2 mile walk) I decided it would be best to address the issue before I started walking like a cowboy who had been riding a horse for 5 years straight. I remember hearing that Gold Bond started making a spray. Jackpot. I proceeded to my neighborhood Walgreens and began my search. It took a few minutes to find, and I wasn't about to ask where it was because I didn't want them assuming where I might be using said product.  I finally found the spray! I was so happy, but there was an attractive female in my way. Now, at this point I had been walking in the store a while and my thighs were screaming for relief, so I decided I didn't care what people thought, and asked the lady to excuse me while I got the relieving spray for my fat boy thighs.

All was well with the world, I was thinking what a marvelous age we live in, until I used the spray. Do not get me wrong, it worked as advertised, but I missed the part about it being 'cooling.' It should have said it was capable of cryogenically freezing your pain away until the future figured out how to fix it.  I screamed.  At first it was a 'holy moly I going to die' scream, then it faded into a 'holy moly I love America' scream. I mean, surely Americans invented this right? At any rate it went from pain to scary unknown pain to (finally) relief. Thank you for reading this, I know the mental images will be hard to get rid of.

As an update, since I don't care if you know what I weigh, I am currently 217.5 with a short term goal of 200, and a long term goal of 185-190. I hope to lose inches and gain muscle mass. I mean, I only have so much time before the calendar goes out, right?

Monday, August 26, 2013

DietBet Loss in Sight

I  have lost weight. I am just shy of my goal (within 2 lbs), but alas today it is over. I have until tonight to lose those two pounds. I have one thing going for me, it is my fast day, but I don't think I'll be able to lose 2 pounds in about 12 hours.

All is not sad though. I have gotten a lot more health conscious and I have started to exercise more. These were goals I had set a long time ago, and it took a bet to get me going on it. I think that I will join another one after this, to keep the motivation going. If I do not lose any weight today, the next dietbet will have me losing 8.5~9 pounds to meet my goal. I'm optimistic that I can do that.

Anyone up for a DietBet?

Friday, August 23, 2013

OK. I've lost weight. Fasting might be working, and when they say at first it's horrible (since your body gets used to eating even when it's not hungry) - believe them - it is horrible. It get's better.

In 9 days I've lost around 4~5 pounds. Not bad considering I haven't started the intense workouts that will give me the body of Thor or Wolverine yet. Those come later. I am now confident in my choice to take routine pictures of myself for the purpose of documenting my progress (also the later pictures will be in my calendar - preorder now!).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fasting Working?

So, as I said in my last post, I'm trying the fasting method of weight control. It also lets your body work to heal itself while it's not having to fight off the bad things that are in the food we eat. Friday I fasted, Saturday morning, results were apparent. Two things were obvious. I dropped over a pound, and I was hungry.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Ready, Set - Fast!

After doing some research, I've decided to try fasting 2 days a week. I plan on doing this for the rest of August, logging my progress here and taking pictures, of course.

I figure the best way to space the 2 fasting days will be Monday and Thursday. My science behind that is that Sunday is out since I want to eat, and usually we go to my parents for lunch and I get to eat a mom cooked meal. Fridays and Saturdays are out because those are possible cook out days. So, that left Monday-Thrusday. I wanted to space them out as far as I could, so Monday and Thursday won the lottery. Science.

With great power comes great ... something


I know that the internet was created for complaining, and I try (usually not so well) to refrain from gratuitous use of that right. After much reading and holding my tongue, here are some of my findings.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Blog Layout Update

I've decided to change up a few things on the old blog today, make it more... me. If it doesn't work out, I'll do something else, but for now this is how it will be.

The diet goes on, and with it I am hungry. It doesn't help being so busy at work that I don't have time for lunch, or that I usually never eat breakfast. I'll work on making time for eating - I hear it's important.  Post injury I think I'm ready to start trying to workout again, of course now I'm aware I should ease into it instead of being really aggressive. Pictures of progress (if any) will be shared.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Diet, Injuries - The Usual

Well, I did start the DietBet (Profile Here). I've been doing well, with only one minor setup so far. If you follow me on Facebook, then you obviously read my complaints about being too out of shape to work out. Facebook was invented for people to complain, right? I pulled two sets of muscles in my right rib cage causing me to wake up at 5 AM screaming because someone stabbed me in my side and I couldn't breathe without feeling the knife that was obviously still lodged between my ribs. It sounds like an over exaggeration, but that is a fairly accurate description of the pain and general feeling. What did I learn from this? Don't go into inverted push ups on your first semi serious session returning to working out. I will say, I did pretty good at the time though.

Lyndsay is trying to make me eat healthier, and I'm trying, but food is like a drug that you have to be weened off of, one steak at a time. Honestly I know I need to eat better, and for short times I will, but I need to learn that to live healthier and longer I got to watch what fuel I put into my engine. Also what I eat.

I still never heard any input about doing a video journal, so let me know your thoughts!