Thursday, February 20, 2014

Untitled Post About Something

Ok, rough week.  On the bright side I've lost about 5-6 pounds. Bad news, it was due to stress.  So to meet my goal weight I have to get really stressed. I don't want that. So back to plan B - hard work.  Enough about my flabby, yet oh so adorable physique.

I got a car! After much research, I decided I wanted this:

A 2005 Dodge Magnum RT with a 5.7L Hemi.  I like it. a lot of people think it's a station wagon, and on the title it says station wagon, but to me it's a daddy sport vehicle with occasional seating for family. It was a complicated process to find one that fit my wants ... I mean, needs, but it has paid off so far. I'll allow you some time to ooo and aahhh.

This will be the end of this entry. Sorry, like I said stressfull week, so you don't want to hear about that.

Also - the first Regular Dad episode is in the works.  In the future I will be taking questions so that I can answer them on the show. Put your thinking caps on and work up some great questions!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cook Du Jour

One of my little known talents is that I can cook. Not just opening a can of Spaghetti-Os and zapping them in the microwave, I mean smack Gordon Ramsey in the back of the head good.  Maybe not that good, but if he did try my food I'd hit him in the back of the head and when he woke up I'd tell him the flavor knocked him out.  Lately I've been embracing that talent a little more.  I've been cooking meals at home to provide a healthy alternative to fast food or dining out.  I've loved it, and the fact my daughters tell me how wonderful it is melts me heart. They aren't lying either, they are actually eating everything on their plate which is unusual.

I feel that I have the duty to respond to the allegation, from my sister, that I was near a heart attack when I beat her at jumping rope.  She has also said the she was not actually competing. Isn't that cute? My daughters do the same thing when I win at something. They all of a sudden "weren't playing."  It's ok though, I'm planning a triathlon that will be broadcast on the inter nets.  The gauntlet  is thrown down.

The events will be announced at a later date (as soon as I find out what her weaknesses are).

I know this one is short. Stop Laughing, I was talking about this blog entry. Your mind is in the gutter. Back on track - as I said, this one isn't long, but the length doesn't really matter, it's how you use the content of it.  I usually send a few days thinking up witty things to say, or my theories of the universe to discuss and share, but this week I didn't.  I really felt blah.  So Cheer me up. Ready ... and ... go.  Now.  Geez, this isn't working. Try harder next time.  Until then, I leave you with this thought.

What, it's my thought I left you with, not words I typed.  My thoughts don't leave my brain, and boy am I glad - I could get into a thousand problems at once.

Think to you later.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to ... where was I going?

Did you ever read someone's Facebook or Twitter status\update and it was so hypocritical or just wrong that you wanted to call them out on it? There's been that emotion a lot inside of my brain.  My heart stops my brain signals from lashing out and being rude, yet correct.  I mean, we know I'm right.

People do hypocritical things all the time, and if we tell them that they did - boom, angry town.  Even if you have their best interest at heart, they don't like to hear how to live their lives or spend their money, etc, etc.

Now that I got that out of the way, I want all of you who pointed out that I weighed more at the end of my DietBet than I did when I started that I'm not talking to you. Poopyheads.

Seriously though, I really failed at this one, but I can always try for the next one.  I'm getting a good start by going on a Natural Nutrition 28 Day Program. (Thanks Maranda!) I'm human, and I'm sure I'll make a mistake, you know - just one, but it looks like an excellent start.  I'm getting back to the home gym too, I've got enough there to get me toned (I feel awkward using the word 'toned' - pretend I said 'overwhelming ripped').

For those of you asking about my book (or short story to be exact) - I'm nearing the end of the third in the series and will release both the second and third at the same time.

On February 4th, 1999, I met Lyndsay Armstrong on a blind date.  She must really have been blind because we have been together ever since. We've been together for 15 years! Our togetherness can almost get a drivers license!  Our 10th anniversary is this May 29th.  Get your credit cards ready because I'm going to be making an Amazon wish list and I expect everyone to buy the crap she wants, or else I have to - and I really, really don't want to.

Hm... I think that's it for now... Oh yeah, I beat my sister at jump rope, she said she wasn't trying to compete, but whatever - she tried, and failed. Boom.