Monday, December 31, 2018

Obligatory Annual Post About a New Year

So, I’ve told you I’ve been working on the list with no explanations, and here it is.  There will be an accompanying podcast to this entry, so look for that here.

  1. Don’t doubt yourself.
  2. Accept your flaws, the sooner you do, the sooner you can be you.
  3. Never depend on someone else for your happiness.
  4. You are responsible for your reactions to situations, not necessarily the situations. 
  5. You do not have to solve everyone’s problems, only work on your own.
  6. Never be afraid to say No.
  7. Just because someone else can’t see your worth, that doesn’t devalue you.
  8. Take at least a few minutes each day and devote them to yourself.  Breathe. Know you are stronger than your struggles.
  9. Read.
  10. Laugh at yourself. We all make dumb mistakes, learn from and laugh at them.
  11. Set goals, realistic, attainable goals.
  12. Pay attention to people, they always show you who they are, no words required.
  13. You can only grow by reaching out of your comfort zone, so if you want to try something new, do it.
  14. Don’t be too near sighted that you don’t see what’s right in front of you while you are looking for something else.
  15. Things do happen for a reason, but sometimes we never get to find out what that reason is.
  16. When one door is closed, another will open, it just might be a long walk down the hall.
  17. Practice the pause. Especially before you speak.
  18. It’s ok if people try to make up stories about you, that means you are doing something right to make them jealous.
  19. If you start with honesty, everything else will come naturally.  If you end with honesty, it’s too late.
  20. Don’t put a filtered picture of yourself on a dating site\app.  I mean, the goal is to meet, so, yeah, don’t.
  21. Don’t live in the past, it made you who you are, live in the present, looking forward to what the future will bring. 
  22. Your two most precious resources are your time (attention) and energy. Use them wisely, they aren’t infinite. 
So, there they are.  Don’t worry, I’m compiling a list of all of these, so you don’t have to keep searching.  The podcast about these will be here soon.

Until next time, dear readers...

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

James ‘The Machine’ Riggs

A little dramatic? Too much? Not enough? Trying to figure out my ring name, as in boxing ring.  I’m liking this one right now, and it’s just the nickname I have at the gym, so I didn’t have to think hard.  It helps I have machinery tattooed on my right leg.

Around this time of year (end of year), it’s customary for you to reflect on all of your inadequacies over the past 12 months and see about changing some things.  This is something I try to do throughout the year, I mean, if I list out all my problems one time a year, it’s going to be a long list to look at.  Break it into chunks, every few months do your personal inventory.  More than just making your inventory, address it, try to get the problem solved.

Enough about all that though, I’m working up another of my “lists with no explanations.”  It it shaping up well, so I’m hoping you like it.  There will be a podcast counterpart to the blog entry, and I might go a little in depth there, but who needs feelings, right?

Back to the boxing front, I’be watched all the boxing movies I could find and I am sure I could be the next champion.  That’s of course a joke.  Runner up is probably more realistic.  Seriously, I am taking up boxing, and we will see if I can avoid getting a concussion.  Also,m we will see if I can avoid a concussion.  (See what I did there?)

Until next time dear readers...

Monday, December 17, 2018

Podcasting. Who knew??

Well, it seems that the podcast was a good idea.  I have gotten a lot of good feedback (positive and negative), and I’m taking all that into consideration.  I’m looking for new equipment to use instead of all the built in mics and whatnot.

A couple of you have suggested some things I can do on the podcast, and I’m slowly going to try them out.  In my next episode I will address a single struggle I’ve been through and my advice for getting through it.  Sorry, at this point there won’t be any relationship advice, I’ve decided, much like LEGO Batman, I do do ships (as in relationships). No, instead I will be talking about having limited time with your own children.  The worst part of divorce, is the literal splitting of time between the parents.  It’s rough, but I have a little advice on that.

The vlog is coming along, slowly, but it is.  I’ve also, started a whole redo of “Regular Dad.”  I still love the concept, but at this point, the name isn’t fitting, so I’ll have to search my brain for another title.  Still plan a lot of laughs in it, but there will be a moral (just like the government mandated in 1980s cartoons) in each episode.

I know I have thanked all of you already for the support, but again, the kind words or words of encouragement did not fall upon deaf ears.  I heard you, and although some things took a little longer than others to process, I have taken everything to heart.  I really have the best readers\listeners\watchers on the internet.

Until next time, dear readers...

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Dark Is a Relative Term

After much conversation with my readers and soul searching, I've decided not to stop the blog.  On the contrary, there have been a lot of ideas I have been toying around with that I will now start to act on.

My blog brand has been growing, and as such I’m going to expand my media reach.  Ok, I know what you’re thinking - what?  That is just a fancy way of saying I’m going to expand my brand by producing video and audio content.  The audio (in the form of podcasts) will be first and I test these waters.

I want to thank all of you who have wrote emails, texted, called and stopped me on the street to tell me not to stop.  There were several things that happened back to back in my life that made me rethink a lot of life choices, but in the end, stopping the blog seemed like a bad idea all the way around.

In building my “brand”, I have created and to futher the brand and inform and entertain you.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.  Bad idea, I know.  The old adage of making lemonade from lemons while seems cliche to say, but it’s true.  People and things that are brought into you life are either a blessing or a lesson (in the best of scenarios they are both, but that is rare it seems).  It’s been said that the day you stop learning, is the day you start dying. So, I’ve decided to learn.  About others, about the world, but mainly I’m going to be going on a long journey of self discovery.  I am inviting you to join me on the journey, and I really want you to continue to send me your feedback, any help along the way will be worth it’s weight in gold.

I just want to say again, thank you - from the bottom of my heart, because it has been your support which has made me realize that I am not responsible for what happens to me, or how others treat me, but I am 100% responsible for my reactions to both.  Taking control of that is my goal, only good vibes from here on out.

Be sure to check out my two new sites, I will of course post more about them on here, but the actually content will be on those sites.  They are in the early stages, so I’m sorry if they aren’t up to par at the moment.

Until next time dear readers...

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Going Dark

Dear readers,

This might be my last post, at least for a long time.  There have been a lot of events lately that have really wore me down.  The emails and messages asking how I was doing were greatly appreciated, and I answered as many of you as I could.

Normally I would end my entry as usual “Until next time dear readers” but that may not be appropriate now.

Thank you dear readers, it has been my pleasure to interact and entertain you, I wish all of you the best.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

For the Giving of Thanks

At this time of year, we are encouraged to be thankful for everything in our lives.  I really have no problems with that, with the one exception that I wish people would do this all year long.  As I’m no exception, I thought I would share some of my things I’m thankful for.

  1. My Family
  2. My Job
  3. My Gym Family
  4. My Health
  5. My Faith
  6. My Lessons Learned This Year
There are many more things I am thankful for, but these are the most important. I would also like to take the time to thank all those who have served our country - past, present, and future.  Your personal sacrifices allow us to live our lives freely.  I also want to thank those who help others with no expectation of a return, that’s the sign of a truely humble person.

My dream of being a sponsored athlete is slowly becoming true, and as such, I am building my brand up more, so here are some new shirts being made available soon.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Addressing the Questions

After posting my last entry about taking a break I got a lot of questions via email.  Instead of waiting for me to fully return to my blog to answer them, I thought I should go ahead and do it.

  1. I am taking a break, not quitting.
  2. I will still respond to emails, as time allows. 
  3. Yes, there is more currently going on than me writing my book, but lately I’ve been juggling more than usual, but really, who honestly isn’t dealing with 101 problems everyday? Just me? No?
  4. Are you working on that science fiction romance novel about the two cyborgs who fall in love? No. Saving that one for later. 
  5. Can I be in your book? Probably not. If you are it’s either a really good thing or a really bad thing. Law of extremes.
  6. Finally, yes, I was serious about the book, and I address super serious topics. 
Once again, I will be back, just a brief break. 

Until next time, dear readers...

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Short Break

I know it's been a bit since my last entry, I apologize.  I have been working on my book, and it's been taking most of my writing time.  I do appreciate the letters you have sent asking how I'm doing, I'm actually doing quite well, and I've did my best to respond to each one of you personally.

Some of you might be wondering what book I'm talking about, so I'll tell you.  I've been working on for some time my autobiography.  It's about 30% done at the moment and I'm already doing rewrites on some chapters.  I've got two interested publishers, so this time I won't be self publishing.  I will be sending out free ebook versions to some of my readers, but I'll announce more about that in the future.  Again, thanks for your patience right now, I will be back soon!

Until next time, dear readers...

Friday, September 28, 2018

New Beginnings

There is a lot going on in my life right now. A lot.  There is a lot of stress, anxiety and excitement.  I’m not complaining, the changes in my life have been 100% for the better.  I am happy.  I mean I am really happy.  Sure I don’t drive a Ferrari, or live in a castle (yet), but I am happy. Isn’t that all that matters?

There is a sad side to this story though.  Although I am happy, and others can obviously tell that, there are those neigh sayers. They will ignore anything positive and attach to the negative.  It gets tiring, especially if it’s someone you love.  Expect the best but plan for the worst.  I have been living by that motto for a while now, and so far lately, I’ve mostly gotten the best.  It’s a nice change.

I haven’t talked about exercise in a while, so I’ll update you.  I am still helping people with meal and exercise plans, and results have been great.  I myself am steadily continuing on my body change journey.  My weight is fluctuating. That’s ok.  I have been having more cheat days lately, and I’m working on stopping that.  Meal planning is not easy, but meal prepping is much harder.  Honestly a good meal prep day takes up a really good chunk of the day.  I am working on a meal prep video for my Riggs Fitness site\brand.

Remember, anywhere you go, there you are.

Until next time, dear readers...

Sunday, August 26, 2018

If You’re Happy and you Know It

They say being happy is a state of mind.  I agree.  I am right, now, probably happier than I have ever been.  That’s not to say everything is going the way I want it to, or that everything is sunshine and roses.  Everything isn’t. There are still things I’m working on, still projects to complete, still stuff to be done.  With all that is pending, I’m still happy.  I’m happy with the progress in my life at this point.  Everything is looking up.

I’ve read that everyone needs to take responsibility for everything in their life.  That doesn’t mean you have to accept blame for everything because that isn’t healthy.  What that means is that you need to accept the responsibility for how you react to everything in your life.  It falls in line with that taking lemons and making lemonade bit.

Bobby McFerrin was an genius.  His song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy" is a philosophical high point in our existence.  Seriously.  Things aren't always going to be great, but that doesn't mean you have to just sit down and wallow in your sorrow.  That was an unintentional rhyme, so I hope that made you smile a little bit.

About smiling.  Do it.  Fake it till you make it works in some cases.  Your smile is infectious.  There is a certain lady in my life, that whenever she smiles, I can't help but feel really, really good.  Every. Single. Time.  Smiling leads to laughing, laughing leads to forgetting about the problems currently surrounding you, and ultimately leads to you being happy.  Be the one that makes everyone happy, no one likes Debbie Downer.

I'm making this entry fairly short because I am about to start filming for a new web series that I'm working on, more on that later, but please guys, be the light that others like to turn to.  Simple.

Until next time, dear readers...

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Life is a Puzzle

At least I didn’t say it was like a box of chocolates.  Seriously though, life is exactly like a puzzle.  Sometimes we think we see the image and we try to make the pieces fit that we think should complete the image, but they just will not fit.  Now, on the reverse side of that, sometimes you find, just by trying, by accident, that a piece fits.  Then the next piece then also, just fits. After a while, you stop trying to make the image what you think it should be, and allow it to become what it is supposed to be.

Too deep? Ok, well, to sum all that up is easy.  When you stop trying to make things happen, things fall into place.  To use another cliche, sometimes things have to fall apart to come together.  I have given a lot of thought into my life lessons, and really, every post on this blog.  I have a lot of readers, who have amazing hearts.  I haven’t updated in a while, because, well, it’s been a combination of things.

I’ve been busy.  Now, this doesn’t mean that I have been avoiding updating and that’s my excuse, it means I’ve genuinely been busy.  I’ve been spending my visitation time with my girls on a series of adventures.  I usually update you while we are staying at Beaver’s Bend, but this year, I forgot my laptop.  There will be pictures soon, some are already on my Facebook page, some soon to be on my Instagram. There, as always, are those who ask me how my personal life is doing, and I generally like to avoid that topic.  Something has changed that though...

Through a combination of luck and timing, I did meet someone.  When I say that, the statement carries a certain gravitas, I suppose.  I’m not the type to just put out information at random, well, not personal information, well, not this personal.  I was looking for someone, that much you know.

We started by just simply talking, or texting mostly.  In the process of getting to know each other, we discovered we had both had similar life experiences. Further on, we discovered that we had a very similar sense of humor, which is saying something, but honestly, that’s been difficult.  She is extremely intelligent, and gets my weird pop culture references.  Well, she might not get all of them, but I’m pretty sure that no one gets some of them.  Not even me.  Moving on.  We slowly (or not so slowly depending on who you talk to) realized that we really enjoyed each other’s company and conversation. We are both very happy, and I don’t see that changing anytime.

I figured I wouldn’t make this entry just a big love letter to Cassie.  I'm a happy man now, beyond what I ever expected, and all of a sudden all of those dopey love songs make sense.  I's a very, very good feeling.

Until next time, dear readers...

Monday, July 9, 2018

Still Learning

A few months ago I posted an entry called "I'm Still Learning," and I wanted to say that, that is still the case.  I find out bad things about myself, and I correct them as best as I can.  I find flaws in others and forgive them, as best as I can.  Actually to that point, I may have perfected that a little too well, and I may need to change that to "forgive and distance."  Anyhow, to the main point of this post, I wanted to give some more life lessons.  Keep in mind, some of these may be repeats, but there is obviously a reason they are being repeated, so pay attention.

Life Lessons (Again, without explanations):

  • No one is perfect, if you think they are, they can only let you down.
  • People will believe what they want to, often without hearing all sides.
  • If your best isn't good enough for a person, then that person isn't good enough for you.
  • Maintain your self-respect, walk away before you can't.
  • A relationship should never be adversarial.  Your teammates, not opponents.
  • Trust is built slowly, but broken quickly,
  • Always pause to think before you do or say anything, consider all viewpoints.
  • If someone doesn't show interest, then they are, well uninterested.
  • Sometimes it is essential to tell people how you feel, so long as doing so doesn't hurt them unnecessarily.
  • Sometimes if you know something about someone that they don't know you know, it's best to let them tell you in their own time, as long as it doesn't to do harm to either of you.
  • You might need to hold your tongue from saying some things, and I mean literally.
  • We as humans are inclined to form an opinion about someone before getting to know them, so we could end up loving or hating the idea of a person, rather than the person.  Either way, this way of thinking will affect our actual impression of the person.
  • I joke around and always bring up Rule 13, that I am always right.  I'm not, in fact, I've been made shockingly aware that I am not right nearly as often as I thought.  I am imperfect, and I always will be, so using an absolute like "always" is meant as a joke.  Trust me, I'm right.
  • Friends are a valuable commodity, one that over the years increases in value, invest in them.  Support them, believe in them, and encourage them.  In turn, they will do the same for you when you need it most.
  • Sometimes juice companies use sweetened, colored, apple juice and market it as grape juice. Lies.
  • If it's not pushing you forward, towards something better, then it's pulling you back, to where you don't want to be.  Change it.
  • Don't live passively, be the most active part of your life.
  • Don't let others make decisions for you, they don't have to live with the consequences.
I know, there's a lot, but there could have been a lot more.  I'll save those for another post another day.

Until next time, dear readers...

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Real Talk

Some recent events in my life have made me wish I had a time machine. I just want to go back to past James, slap him in the face and tell him he needs to stop being stupid.

Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I always keep my word, I never lose my cool, I would do anything to help a friend, I’m incredibly loyal, and I care too much. Just so you know, I did not write this list, so please don’t think I’m that shallow. In the past few months (and maybe longer) I have acted out of character several times. This has hurt others, and myself. I can’t change what I’ve done, or it's impact, all I can do is keep reminding myself of the consequences of acting like an idiot.

During this time, I also came to the startling conclusion that if one person tells you something, it's possibly true, possibly not.  When two people tell you the same thing, it's more than likely true than not.  When you have three or more people telling you the same thing, you should probably listen.  The truth of the matter is that sometimes you see what you want to see, not what is actually there.  In my last post, I talked about inventories.  Well, I've did a huge inventory of myself recently, and I've discovered more about myself than I ever have.  I've found a lot of good things about myself, and I've found bad things about myself.  I'm working on those, and I'll be perfectly honest, it's going to be a struggle and take time on some of them.

Setting boundaries is key.  I have found that I have trouble setting boundaries with people.  You need to be honest with yourself and with them, let them know that you just won't do some things, not because you don't want to, but because once a boundary is crossed, it is much easier to cross it again. It's not a bad thing to help someone out, but don't change your boundaries in order to do so.

As I have been updating you on everything (which I've been told is too much, but, oh well), I'll go ahead and address the dating question.  I am not closed off to dating, but, as I'm sure you concluded, I didn't do so well with my recent try.  I am human, and I do make mistakes, and sometimes more than once.  I am (and always will be) in a constant state of personal growth, physically and mentally, and there have been people there at my worst, and stuck by me to hep me be my best.  I don't know where I'd be without them, and that's the type of person I'm looking for.  They are hard to find, but once I find that person, well, I'll be happy I guess is the easiest way to say it.  It's been said that when you find the once, "you'll just know."  That's wrong probably eight times out of ten.  Sure, I believe that some people just know, but they have to both "just know" before I'll believe it.  One sided relationships are far too common.  I think that I will only know if the person is right if she is by me through my struggles as well as my successes, and I'll have the same opportunity to do so for her.  Long story short, I guess I'm still looking.

I'll leave you with this, if you don't like what you see, don't blame the mirror.

Until next time dear readers...

Monday, June 4, 2018

Oh, the Possibilities

Let me start this post with a very big thank you to all who have chosen me to help them in their journey to get fit and healthy via  I've gotten quite a few clients that are employing my services as an uncertified personal trainer, and so far, everything has been going incredibly well.  I say uncertified, because, well, I am.  I'm preparing to take the certification for both personal trainer and strength coach, as that's the direction I want to take my career.

Now, on to other things.  My book.  It is coming along quite nicely, but the more I get into it, the more I worry about offending people.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to alter any content so that everything is sunshine and rainbows, but I'm finding myself with the dilemma of wanting to omit certain sections that would cause conflict.  As far as what people think of me, I don't concern myself with that too much, because that's not my issue, whoever is thinking about me, well, that's their problem.  The problem I find myself facing is that in some cases I might be forcing some people to take a deeper look at themselves (something that probably should have happened a long time ago), but I worry that it isn't my place to go around pointing out flaws.  It's really not anyone's place to that.  If I don't, however, they might continue on a bad path.  It's a pretty big internal battle, my rough drafts have a lot of strikethroughs in them.

A lot of my readers apparently loved it when I just imparted a little wisdom with a little story, which, to all of those readers I say, I've got a great book in progress for you.  To continue with that theme, I'll tell a bit from my chapter on the inventory system.  James Lee Burke stated "There's nothing like rejection to make you do an inventory of yourself."  Rejection is one of the main events that lead to change.  The rejection can be romantic, career related or social, it doesn't matter, we will all perceive rejection differently.  We will even perceive it differently than we have previously perceived the same type of rejection.  That's called growth, and if it's in a good direction, it's a great thing.  The inventory system, which I have talked about here before is an amazing, yet difficult way to progress with your life.

The personal inventory is, as it sounds, about you.  You have to look at yourself, figure out what you like about yourself and dislike about yourself at this point in time.  Make the list, no matter how hard, no matter how much you don't want to write down that thing that you hate about yourself that no one else knows about, write it down.  No one will see this but you.  Write down what you'd like to see yourself as.  It can be anything, healthier, slimmer, at a better job, in a loving relationship, anything at all.  Now, figure out how to remove those bad things, even if it takes time, work on it everyday.  Figure out what small steps you need to take to reach those goals you wrote down.  Make a little progress everyday.  Slow and steady wins the race, right?  Well, that's not always literally the case, but the goal isn't to win the race, it's to cross the finish line.

Until next time, dear readers...

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Next Book

Well, I've started it.  My next book.  My last was really a short story, but it still counts. Search me out on Amazon if you are interested.  My new book, that will actually be book length, is entitled "How Not to Live a Life."  It's ironic (and meant to be), because it is telling you how to live a better life than I have.  I'm not saying I haven't had a great life, but I am saying there has been some crap happen that I wish didn't, so consider the book a list of detour signs for success.

In this book, I am brutally honest.  Anyone who know me knows that I demand honesty from my friends and those close to me, anything less is unacceptable.  The moment you stop demanding honesty, is the moment you stop receiving it.  In my book, I talk about my past, my family, my friends, and in general everything in my life.  Writing this book has been extremely hard because I'm facing issues I'd rather not remember or address, but, for the sake of humanity, I do.  I will lose friends over the book, and well, that's ok.  If me calling you out on your behavior upsets you, well, that's really your problem, not mine.  The interesting part is that I, for the most part, haven't named names, so I'll find out pretty quickly who's guilty of what, by their own admission of guilt.  Sad, but true.

To give you a preview of the book, here is an excerpt, from the chapter entitled "What Happened?"

Where do I start? Well, I guess I should start at the beginning.  Not the real beginning, but my last beginning.  Confused?  It’s ok, I’ll explain.  When presented with a big life changing event, you have a new beginning.  Most people don’t realize that, they think they are a victim and have to handle themselves how everyone tells them to.  That’s a lost opportunity to improve upon one’s self.  I’ve made a lot of mistakes.  I’ve had a lot of new beginnings, but I’ve wasted just about all of them.  Maybe I should start with examples of what not to do.  I have a lot, so, get ready for some crazy stories, some I have never spoke of until now.

January 9th, 2006.  I was working at Mercy Hospital, the same place my father has worked for over 40 years.  We usually had lunch together, either at the office or at my parents house, since they lived fairly close to the hospital.  We were eating in his office, it was Mexican fast food, it was completely unhealthy, and completely delicious.  At this point my Pa-Pa (my father’s father) has been a resident at the local veteran’s hospital.  He suffered from Parkinson's Disease. He had good days, and he had bad days.  It had gotten to the point that communication was extremely difficult.  Admittedly I didn’t visit him while he was in there as much as I should have.  It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, but after most visits I would find myself in tears, even sobbing sometimes, on my drive home.  My wife would ask me if I was ok, and I’d tell the lie that is most commonly told. “I’m fine.”  I wasn’t.  I wasn’t near fine.  I felt that I couldn’t really talk about how I felt with anyone.  My Pa-Pa and I were close.  We had inside jokes.  We could usually figure out what one was going to say before it was said.  I love him dearly.  

I don’t know if it was because of his age, his veteran status, or his awesome attitude, but he didn’t give a single crap what anyone else thought.  That’s something I still struggle with, but he had it down.  On work days at his house, deodorant was not worn.  He didn’t care what he smelled like, if smelling bad was a product of his hard work, then he wanted you to know it.  It was hilarious, well until we got in his truck to go drop off debris at the city dump.  Sometimes there weren’t enough windows to roll down in the truck.  On one particular occasion, my Pa-Pa, my father, and I all were working on my grandparents yard (this wasn’t uncommon, three generations of Riggs can get stuff done), we loaded up tree limbs and leaves into the back of my Pa-Pa’s 1985 Dodge Ram Truck.  I was sitting in between the two biggest influences in my life.  I loved these rides.  Now, the deodorant was still not present and I think my Pa-Pa got a kick out of the fact I wasn’t near a fresh air source and had to endure it.  He had an awesome sense of humor that aligned with my and my father’s.  We got to the city dump, my Pa-Pa was quick to inform us that he had to relieve himself.  We just thought it was a comment in passing, and that when we got back to his house that’s the first stop he would make.  Why we were under that assumption is beyond me now, but to our surprise at the time, he walked over to his back tire and began to water it.  In plain sight of anyone who might be around.  It was just us at the time, well and the attendant in his little building, butI don’t think he saw.

When I was 12, I was staying on my grandparents for the weekend.  Saturday was always shopping day.  They might not have got me much, but they always wanted to get me something while I was there.  This was a really special treat.  To continue, we went to the local mall one Saturday, my grandmother (Ma-Ma) had a hair appointment at JC Penney, and while waiting my Pa-Pa and I had some fun.  He took me to the arcade that was in the mall (a ritual that continued until the arcade closed down), and then he and I went to JC Penney to wait on my Ma-Ma.  He asked me if I needed any clothes, partially joking because he knew that at that point in my life, I didn’t care to go clothes shopping.  Well, we went ahead and looked, and wouldn’t you know it, I found something I liked.  They were a pair of long baggy pants\shorts that were a patchwork of black, blue and yellow.  They were a little expensive, but he saw me looking at them and asked if I wanted them.  I showed him the price, and he said, “Don’t worry about that, do you want them?”  I did, and he could tell I did.  He said he liked them too, which I thought he was just saying that not to hurt my feelings, or prevent me from getting something I liked.  He was incredibly awesome at putting others before himself.  That trait has passed down to my father as well, and I hope it continues to me.  It wasn’t very long after our purchase that my Ma-Ma came walking up to us, hair newly poofed up and colored.  She asked what we got, I opened the bag and showed her.  The change in expression on her face was almost immediate.  She couldn’t understand why I would want those, and more to the point, she couldn’t believe my Pa-Pa bought them.  This would be the first time my Pa-Pa would say this, but it wouldn’t be the last, not for years to come: “Hey, I liked the pants.”  I loved those pants.

Back to 2006.  While about halfway through our lunch hour, my father got a call from the veteran’s center that they had to take my Pa-Pa to the hospital by ambulance.  At this point, this was getting to be a semi-regular occurrence, as there had been issues with fluid needing to be drained from his lungs, and other ailments.  We were pretty much done, so we walked over to the emergency room.  When we arrived, they were about to buzz us in to go see him, when the double door entry to the actual ER patient rooms opened.  Dr. Black walked out of the doors.  You never see a doctor come out from that door into the waiting area.  We were oblivious, we never thought that he was coming out to meet us.  The doctor was blunt, he was known to have little to no bedside manner, and he said to my father, “Bobby, he’s gone.”  What? What happened? What do you mean he’s gone?  He went on to say he was gone before he arrived.  Have you ever had that feeling (or loss of feeling) in your legs, like you are about to just collapse to the ground? This sucked.  This more than sucked, this was like someone just reached in, grabbed my lungs, ripped them out and said, take a deep breath.  This was the end.

My first daughter was born on December 29, 2005, 11 days before my Pa-Pa’s passing.  I never took her to see him.  He was aware of her birth, my father made sure of that, but they never saw each other.  I didn’t take her to the veteran’s hospital because she was so young and could easily contract any one of the many airborne illnesses that I’m sure were present.  I have not ever, nor will ever forgive myself for that.  I’ve had multiple people tell me I did the right thing, and that they are sure my grandfather would have understood.  I don’t care.  I really don’t care about what everyone tells me about this, I feel like I robbed both of them of their only meeting they would have had.  I know that it probably wouldn’t have made any difference in anything at all, but coming from someone who never met his grandfather (my mother’s father), I really wish I could have made it happen.

After his death, I fell into a deep depression. My wife at the time couldn’t understand.  How could she? She never lost any of her family at that point.  I had already lost my Granny (my mom’s mother), which was hard on me too.  I don’t deal with the finality of death very well.  My father was probably the single greatest source of comfort during this time.  He too told me to forgive myself for not taking Victoria to meet him, but other than that, he had nothing but great advice.  I found it amazing, how my dad, who just lost his own dad, was able to tell me that everything would be alright.  He was wrong, but that’s not the point, the point is, he meant it.  When I say he was wrong, what I’m actually saying is, that things got better, or different, but never alright.  To this day, I still wish with all my heart that I could talk to him just one more time.  Whether it’s healthy or not, I regularly make it by my grandfather’s grave, I update him on what’s going on in my life, in my girls lives, and report to him on how his son is doing.

Since my Pa-Pa’s death, my Ma-Ma has now joined him in parting this life.  I now continue to talk to Pa-Pa, but I now let my Ma-Ma know how my sister is doing, how her children are doing, and I update her on my sister’s dog.  My grandmother loved dogs and so does my sister.  As I had a special relationship with my Pa-Pa, my sister had one with my Ma-Ma.  My sister has a tendency to have no filter, and as such she tells everything like it is, and what she’s feeling at the moment, you are aware of.  When my grandmother died, exactly 9 years to the day on my grandfather, well, she was a mess.  I say that only because that shows how distraught she in fact was.  My sister always can keep her feelings under a semi-loose control, but this was one of only a couple of times I witnessed unfiltered emotion from her.  I didn’t like it.  I knew she was sad, and I knew I couldn’t do a thing.  I got to wondering, is this what people saw in me?  Is it still what they see in me?  All I know is that in that moment, I realized that it was ok to mourn, and ok to cry, but it was even better to honor their legacy by living.

In my life, I have witnessed my father cry only five times.  The first was when a very close friend of our family died.  The second was when his father died.  The third is when his younger sister died.  The fourth was when his mother died.  The fifth time, well, I’ll talk about that one later.
Sorry this was a long one, trust me, it could have been a lot longer.

Until next time dear readers...

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Looking Back

Recently I've been thinking.  I know, probably not the greatest thing for me to do.  Nevertheless, I've been contemplating about making my life a little more private.  I post a lot on this blog, I update a lot on Facebook and Instagram, but am I hurting myself by doing that?  I know of several people who would immediately say "YES!" and I can't really disagree with them.  The only counterpoint I can come up with is that I am probably doing more good than harm.  That is good for others vs harm to myself.  I get a steady stream of emails, texts, facebook messages, etc on how I've motivated someone to do something.  I've had several that honestly have made me tear up reading them.  Those people are the ones that have faced much more than I can imagine, yet see that it doesn't have to always be bad.

Your struggles determine your successes. So, we can derive from that, that you can not be successful at something without facing struggles. I mean it, think about your work, your relationships, and pretty much everything in your life. Those who aren’t successful are usually focused solely on the result. You need to focus and be in love with the process to get there. Want to get your PhD? Be in love with the studing, the research and the constant judgement by your professors and peers. It is all about the process. Want an awesome body? Learn to love the gym time and the diet. If you don’t, you will give up. Fact of life, unfortunately. The unhappy truth in life is not everyone will be successful. I mean, if everyone was, then how would you measure if you were or not?

So what’s wrong with not being successful? Not a thing. What’s wrong with being ordinary? Again, not a thing. It’s the ordinary things in life that are truly special. Spending time with a loved one. Teaching your child to ride a bike. Meeting friends for lunch. It’s totally the normal things that make life love living.  There are those though, who think they have to have to have the best, be the best, and it's not a question if they should, they feel it's their right.  That's called entitlement. There are two two of entitlement, the first goes likes this: I am so much better than everyone else, therefore I deserve special treatment.  The second goes like this: Everyone is so much better than I am, therefore I deserve special treatment.  That's dangerous thinking, the kind that can (and will) alienate everyone in your life. Everyone is special and unique, but that does not mean everyone deserves special treatment.  I mean, if everyone got special treatment, it wouldn't be special, it would just be, well, treatment.

Let me end today's post with this: the things most easily obtained, are the things that are easiest to lose.  What does that mean? Well, the world builds on your insecurities.  Almost all forms of marketing are trying to point out some that is wrong or missing from your life, often things you never thought about until the advertisement was presented to you.  Want to lose weight? Take this pill! Want to have beautiful hair? Try this shampoo!  Do you have a bald spot? We have hair in a spray can!  People get these products because they are insecure about something, and are willing to take the easiest option to try to fix it.  The honest truth is simple. To get something that is lasting, it's going to take a lot of work.  It's going to take a crap ton of time and dedication.  Results aren't always immediate, but they are lasting.  So, if you want it, be prepared to spend a lot of time and a lot of effort into attaining it.  Not only will it last, but you will feel a greater sense of pride and accomplishment for all said hard work.

While I know I was a bit all over the place on topics on this one, I still think that it's a solid post.

Until next time, dear readers...

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Falling Into Place

Those of you who know me pretty well (and even not so well), know that I'm an optimist at heart.  I like to believe that good things happen to good people.  I like to believe that everything will eventually be ok.  I like to believe those things, but it's not always true.  I've generally been a good person, and I've had a lot of crap happen to me.  I've had a lot of adversity to overcome.  I've came out, for the most part, on top.

Without trying to sound terribly mean, I've heard that my ex-wife's boyfriend has said "looks like the better man won."  I whole-heartedly agree, but it's not him.  I'm a better person than I ever was when I was married.  That's not to say that my ex-wife held me back, or was a hindrance.  Well, that's what I'm trying not to say at least.  Since the divorce, I've been forced (kicking and screaming) to take a hard look at myself.  I've said before, I didn't like what I saw, and I really didn't.  I've changed my outlook completely on life.  I've started taking better care of myself and others in my life.  I'm just better off, but I really didn't start that journey until about six months ago.

Rewind the clock back to October 2017.  I was overweight.  Things weren't going my way.  I was unhappy, and by proxy made others around me unhappy.  To those people, I apologize, and I've tried to make up for it ever since.  I wasn't as heavy as I have ever been (which was 230 lbs, btw), but I was overweight.  I was around 215 or so and 30% of my body was fat.  I've came a long way.  I now weigh in at 172 lbs and 14% body fat.  How did I do it? Diet.  Exercise.  The most important of the two? Diet, hands down.  I switched to a high protein diet and well, I go to the gym a lot.  The muscle building has helped to mask what fat I have left on my body.  The diet though was the part that slimmed me down so much.  I now have that "V" shape that athletes strive for.  I'm not where I need to be, but, hey, I'm not done.

Six Month Progress Picture

A Few Progress Pictures

Again, am I where I want to be? Physically? Emotionally? Nope.  It's good to have goals, and one goal that I have is to simply move forward.  

Until next time dear readers...

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Ready for another cliche that rings true? Life is about balance.

Think for a minute.  Your emotions say a lot.  Love, hate, happy, sad.  The primary emotions are balanced.  In my life, I have been called many things. Nice, mean.  Jealous, generous.  Thoughtful, thoughtless.  Handsome, ugly.  Caring, indifferent. Loving, cold.  Strong, weak.  Smart, idiot.  Hard working, lazy.  See where I'm going with this?  Life has a balance, whether or not we realize it.

Why am I talking about this?  No particular reason, I was just trying to think of what I wanted to share, and this came to mind.  If we don't recognize the need for balance, then we risk not benefitting from all life has to offer.

I get a lot of feedback, as you know, and most are positive.  There are a lot of negative ones as well.  I have to sort through those and I look for what might actually be constructive criticism.  I admit, I've learned a lot about myself through those negative comments.  A lot of times people read what I wrote wrong.  Let me clarify, they misread how I wrote it.

I share a lot, and sometimes my tone doesn't translate well.  Let me be the first to say, I never mean anything in a malicious way.  I don't try to imply something without coming out and saying it, so if I offend you - let me know.  That is far from my intention.

Life is a continually learning experience.  To paraphrase Einstein, "the day you stop learning is the day you start dying."  There have been other quotes that say the same thing, but I like Al.  I like to think that I learn something everyday, even if it's just a little thing.  I like to think I learn more about myself everyday.  Lately, I've been more or less happy with who I am.  I am always trying to improve, and if I talk about that, please don't think it's hubris or bravado, it's just me, telling you about me.  I've throttled it down quite a bit, but considering the feedback I get on a regular basis, those updates help people more than hurt.  I've gotten many emails about how I've inspired someone to make a change.  That is awesome, and that is why I do what I do.  You guys rock.

Until next time dear reader...

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The beat goes on...

Well, it appears that I get the most responses (and views) when I share personal information.  I like sharing, but sometimes that takes an emotional toll.  I literally feel tired after pouring my soul into a blog post.  Then I worry about what people will think. Then I remember, I am not defined by what others think of me, but what I think of myself.  It's a cycle.  However, in keeping with the more personal theme, I'm going to do so again, but about a different topic.

A couple of years ago I was heavy.  I was unhappy.  I had no energy.  Obviously the divorce was causing some of the unhappiness, but my health was playing a large factor in it.  I didn't know that at the time.  From that time until about 5 months ago, I had a lot of bad things happen.  Some were my fault, some were not.  I had to change something, and I didn't know what.  Everything I thought was causing me problems, I eliminated, yet I was still exactly where I was when I started.

One day, about 5 months ago, I stepped on my scale.  I was 215 pounds, and had 30% body fat.  That was nuts, a third of my body was fat.  That got me to thinking.  What am I eating?  What am I doing to burn off the fat?  The answers were crap food, and jack squat, respectively.  I started reading.  I read some more.  I read nutritionists blogs, and personal trainers notes.  I studied the relationship between muscle groups, and the right way to lose weight.  I didn't just want to lose weight though.  I wanted to gain muscle.

Over the last 5 months, I've did that.  I'm at 172 pounds, 15% body fat, and I'm down to a pant size of 33 (formerly 38-40).  I'm not done.  I've reached all of my initial goals.  I'm leaner, I'm stronger, and in the right places, I'm bigger.  Life is a process of continually updating our goals.  I've updated my goals.  I no longer have a weight goal, since my original one was 185 and I've blown that away.  I'm now focusing on trying to get my body fat to 10%.  I also have size goals for each of my muscle groups, and those will take a little longer, but I'm making progress.

Now, I have people that I'm helping with meal plans, exercise plans, and instructing on those plans.  I've been doing that for a while, but this week I launched and I've gotten more clients now.  For me, I know I can help, but I've decided to get my certification as a personal trainer and strength coach.  I've spent a lot of hours on these topics, so a little more studying for the exams is going to be completely doable.  I have a transformation challenge coming up on that site, but I'll post more about it later. #riggs

Just for the first 15 of my readers, use code a2eqm3 and get 50% off any plans.  I appreciate each and every one of you.  Thank you for your kind words of support and encouragement, without them, I wouldn't be as far as I am today. You guys rock.

Until next time dear readers...

Friday, March 23, 2018

A Little Update

I had (as usual) a lot of responses to my last post.  There were some really good, personal ones that I've replied to privately, and I really want to thank everyone for taking time to send me feedback.  As always, you guys rock.

I thought I'd continue with the real talk, but also include some personal updates. I'll separate them out so you can skip a section if you don't won't to read it.

The lifestyle change has been going very well.  I do occasionally cheat, but honestly, it might actually be good, since I'll be getting some fats I normally cut out of my diet.  Good and bad fats, it's a trade-off.  So I've lost 59.5 total pounds, and 12.6% body fat.  I'm at 176.6 and 17.4%.  I'm getting within reach of my body fat goal (15%). I'm almost ten pounds below my weight goal, which isn't bad, it's actually pretty awesome.  Visual body fat is all but gone, just some on the mid section, which is always the last place is comes off.  My abs are poking through now, so, yeah. Cool.

I've decided that dating is back in.  If I'm honest, it was never truly out, I just stopped actively pursuing dates.  Any more on that, and we get a little more personal than I want to share at this time.  Just know that things are going well, and I hope they continue on his path.

I wanted to share what I felt to be very important things to remember and practice on a daily basis.  I might repeat things I have said in the past, but that just proves how important I feel they are.

  1. Treat others how you want to be treated.
  2. People aren't things, don't use them.
  3. If it feels wrong, it probably is. Follow your moral compass (providing it's a positive one).
  4. Some things are worth the risk, some things are not.  Be wise in deciding which it is.
  5. Own up to your actions. No excuses.
That's about it for now.  Follow those and things will get better (eventually).

A lot of people have been asking me if I am selling the #riggs shirts.  I wasn't, because it was essentially for me to document my body transformation, but it's been suggested that I sell them and donate the proceeds to a charity, or make a contest and put that towards the prize.  I can do both. I will start selling them soon, prices to come, and I am also going to start the #riggs transformation challenge.  I'm not going to do weight loss, that's not fair, because as you gain muscle, you gain weight, so it will be based on body fat percentage.  The charity is also something that will be announced later, more than likely I will let you guys vote.

Until next time dear readers...

Sunday, March 18, 2018

I'm Still Learning

So, this week hasn't went very well for me.  Details in this case don't matter.  There is one thing I've known, but haven't learned.  You see there is a difference there.  I'm going to make this week's entry brief.

You can't make something happen if it's not going to happen. No matter how hard you try, there is a point where you have to say, no, I don't need to do this.  Sometimes you have to let something go, so that you can move on.  It's a difficult process, but in the end, it's for the best.

I've been told that if something is going to happen, it will happen.  While, I agree to a point, I also think this is a passive approach to ones destiny.  I believe that things happen for a reason, and we have to see that, and act on it.

I don't know a lot.  I project a confident image, sometimes too confident, but at my core, that's not what I'm about.  I know who I am, and when I start questioning that, well, then I know I've made a wrong turn.

I'm still learning, about myself, about my friends, about everything.

Until next time, dear reader...

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Keeping It In

First off, I want to tell everyone how thankful I am for you encouragement.  The last post brought out a lot of great feedback, both good and bad.  Thanks so much for taking the time from your day to share with me, I appreciate every single one of you, but not just those who wrote me, I mean those of you reading right now, too.  You guys are amazing and I'm a better person because each and every one of you.

Well, this is draft five of this post.  I have a lot on my mind and heart right now, and I was a little too real on the previous drafts.  I had a definite point I was trying to get across, and I did.  Probably a little too well.  I know that a lot of my friends would have been offended by it.  That would not have been my fault.  I was writing another life lessons entry and some of the lessons I was going to post in this one were direct observations of some people close to me.  I wasn't pointing them out to be mean to them, but to help others not be in some situations that I've found myself in.  I was trying to be helpful, but at the same time, I might have lost some friends.  Again, not technically my fault, because all I was doing was pointing out some things that people do that are unhealthy and flat out wrong.  If they get offended because I pointed those things out, is that my fault? I don't think so, but nevertheless, I am a humanitarian a heart, so I scrapped the previous drafts.

I had 13 more lessons in this go of life lessons, and out of all of those, I am going to mention two today.  The first is this - It is necessary to perform a friend inventory every now and then.  Look at your friends and ask, Are they improving your emotional life, or are they hurting it?  Are they friends with you for you, or what you can do for them.  Often the results of a friend inventory are devastating. Unfortunately, that devastation is usually one-sided.  The second one I will mention is #13.  It's the same #13 from my first life lessons entry.  I am usually right.  Again not trying to sound arrogant, but it's true.  I am usually right, but even I don't always believe what I know.  I know that sounds weird, but I didn't write it wrong.  There are things I know for a fact, yet choose not to believe them or ignore them because of how I feel emotionally toward the subject matter.  I am the fist to admit that this isn't healthy, but I'm always the first to complain that it's hard to change.

In some blog news, the blog is up to a little over 7,000 subscribers now.  I get a crap ton of feedback with each post, and I love it.  All of it.  The compliments as well as the criticisms. You can't grow as a person if you don't continually inventory yourself first.  Some of the worst criticisms I've gotten have turned into some of the best initiative to make a change.  Also, I want to address a lot of questions regarding my twitter account.  For some reason, everyone is asking me why I don't have more followers.  I don't know why the sudden interest, but the answer is simple.  I update twitter about once a year, so yeah.

My parting words of wisdom today are:  A good friend listens as much as they speak.

Until next time dear readers...

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Big D

Without any further ado, let's just jump right into today's topic.

PREFACE This post actually took an emotional toll on me that I wasn't expecting, so please take into mind that I'm pouring out a serving of my soul before you email or post anything too hurtful.  I am putting myself out there more than I'm actually comfortable with on this one, ladies and gentlemen.

The Divorce
First off I want to say my relationship with my ex-wife wasn't all for not.  I have three beautiful daughters as a result, and I would endure the troubles and pain a thousand times over for them.  The question I get asked the most about my divorce is “What happened?”  Well, a lot did. People also like to place blame. There was enough blame to go around in our case. She was never the loving, caring partner I wanted and needed her to be. I had internal (and external) struggles that were, admittedly, my own fault. There was no support to speak of at home. Eventually she just had enough. I get it. This isn't to say she didn't have faults, they were, as mine, many.  While married, I overlooked everything because she was, after all, my wife and the person I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with.  The thing that hurt me more than anything though was the way things went at the end of our time together. Through all the denials and lies, infidelity did happen. We all know how I feel about that. What makes it worse is that in a small town, news travels fast. My girls have to deal with the comments and cruelty of children (and some adults).

Things should have been handled differently for sure.
I make mistakes, and I will continue to, but not as many and not the same ones again.

Meeting New People\Dating
Since the divorce, I've had a few relationships. I've talked to a lot of ladies.  I was given some advice, "If she's not talking to you, she's talking to someone else."  Horrible advice.  If she is that fickle, good, talk to someone else, it's her loss, obviously not mine. As I said, I've had a several girlfriends, nothing solid.  In a couple of cases, I was really the only one in the relationship, and after years of that, I just don't want anything like that anymore.  In the end, was it my fault the relationship didn't work out?  I don't know.  Maybe that's a good enough reason to stay single.

Were there mutual breakups? Sure. What that usually means though, is that one person wants out and the other is the bigger person and lets them pursue their interests in someone else whom they think will make them happy\happier (but eventually it fails) because they care more about that other person than they do themselves. You can see who lost more in that situation and they will never even know.

The Future
If I had my way, sure there would be a Mrs. Riggs in the future, but I just can't see that happening at the moment.  I'm not completely discounting the idea, but I want to be with someone who will put her phone away when I'm with her.  In today's society, that's a sure sign she digs you.  You know, someone that you think about when you go to sleep, and is on your mind when you wake up.  Spending time with that person feels like a privilege that you can't live without.  I'm not going to get into any more feelings, I'm drained.

The Moral
To quote poets Bill S. Preston, Esq. and 'Ted' Theodore Logan, Be excellent to each other.  Seriously. Treat every person with the kindness that they do (or even don't) deserve.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

New Look for 2018

Well, it's been a few years, but I've changed the layout of the blog a bit.  Won't take too long to get used to it.  I've simplified it.  I mean, who needs complication, am I right? Of course I am, as I pointed out in my previous blog post, I'm usually right.

Now, to expound upon that very topic.  Some people thought I was being a little arrogant by saying that.  I wasn't, as a matter of fact, I was saying it as a joke. Satire, if you will.  I'm not usually right.  My daughters and friends will tell you that I say I am a lot - usually after I'm right about something.  Law of averages puts me at being right more often than I am wrong, but truthfully, that doesn't require a large margin to make that claim.  Now, trivia questions, that's a different story.  I am usually right when it comes to trivia. And Batman.

Well, I'm doing another Q&A session on today's post, so here it goes:

Q:  Are you using a personal trainer?
A:  No. Unless you count me.  I dove in head first into the science of nutrition, the mechanics of exercise, and the physiology of muscle development.  A lot of time was spent online and at the library.  They won't let you check out some of the reference material I was utilizing, so the library it was for a while.

Q:  Do you ever miss a day of exercise?
A:  Sure.  Despite the rumors, I'm not perfect.  Life happens and things happen that just can't be avoided.  Honestly I even tried something I hadn't done this past week.  I took an entire week for rest.  It felt like I was doing something wrong, but surprisingly, my first session back at it - I was stronger.  I don't think I'll do this often, but it does support the "Rest is part of the routine" thing.

Whew, that's enough interrogation for today.

I think, to avoid some emails\messages, I'll address the comment I made just a second ago.  I do not think that anyone calls me perfect by any stretch.  It's called sarcasm, and it's an outlet for my emotions.  I use it a lot.  I am the first to admit my faults and flaws, although I might do it with, you guessed it, sarcasm.

Well, that's all I have for this week.  Next week I'm going to address a pretty serious topic, my divorce.

Until next time dear readers...

Friday, January 26, 2018

Life Lessons

I was thinking today, man I've made a lot of mistakes and I've learned a lot from those mistakes in my life.  Here are some things I've learned thus far, with no explanations.

  1. Chivalry will be confused for sexism more often than not.
  2. Everyone in your life will, at some point, let you down.
  3. Only you, in the end, are responsible for attaining (or not) a goal.
  4. It's OK to cry.
  5. Those whom you care for the most, hurt you with the least effort.
  6. Sometimes it's not about falling or getting back up, it's about standing.
  7. If it's not pushing you forward, it's holding you back.
  8. When it rains, it doesn’t always pour, but you will get wet.
  9. You can overthink something. 
  10. Between 21 and 65, age doesn’t mean a lot. 
  11. Sometimes, it is ok to laugh at someone. 
  12. People you know will surprise you, this could be good or bad. 
  13. I am usually right. 
Short one guys, I apologize.  There is actually a lot knowledge in those right there.

Until next time, dear readers...

Thursday, January 18, 2018

I Must Have Been Raised Different

I mean that in a good way.  I mean, my parents and grandparents set excellent examples and taught me ideals and beliefs that are, to this day, still amazing.  I watch and observe people all the time (not in a creepy way) and behavior today is shocking.  I mean look at the way people were in say, the 50s. Not ALL beliefs during that time were correct.  I refer to the interactions between people.  Between couples.  Between family members.  People were more respectful.  Again, there were things happening in that era that were without a doubt wrong, and I am NOT including those in this example.

Let me be more specific.  Today people don't open doors for their partner as much as they should, much less for total strangers.  I do.  Given the lady part is absent, but I will actively look for an opportunity to open a door for someone. It's second nature.  I don't just mean doors to a home or business, but also car doors.  It doesn't matter who was driving, get out, open a door and be polite.

People don't show respect.  There are many ways to show respect, and just as many ways to disrespect something.  Examples? Hats.  Generally speaking, hats are for outside only.  Definitely wearing a hat inside someones home is disrespectful.  Many people will say that there is no reason to take off any hat, it's just an old tradition.  It is.  This dates back to the medieval era. Knights would take off their helmet indoors, whether at their home or away as a sign of good faith.  It showed they were not there to do battle, but as a friend.  To me, when I enter someones home, I take off my hat as a sign of thanks for providing me with a roof to be under and protected from the elements, no matter how short the stay may be.  I said before that hats were generally for use outdoors only, but there are exceptions.  When you are actively (or passively in some cases) listening to someone pray, take off your hat.  You don't have to believe in their religion, or take part in any of the related practices (if you feel that doing so would compromise your religious beliefs, whether you have any or not), but show respect for the person or persons that are involved.  Same goes for the national anthem.  I know there is a lot of controversy regarding that, but I'm not just referring to ours.  If you are visiting another country, or are at an event where a different anthem is played, take it off. You are showing a sign of thanks for what has been done to provide you with the life you had, or the life of a friend or even a perfect stranger from another country.  The obvious exception is to those countries that are actively militant towards other countries.  I know, that last comment could be skewed to say it is for the United States, but honestly, we are mostly reactive, not proactive.

Say Thank You.  This one is so super easy, yet most people don't do it.  It could be how they were taught (or not taught in this case), or it could be unintentional forgetfulness.  When someone does something for you that is any remote sort of kindness, say thank you.  If you are unsure if you should say it, say it anyway.  Easy.

Excuse me?  Are you interrupting someone?  Are you passing in between someone and something they are focusing on?  Do something socially unacceptable or awkward? SAY EXCUSE ME!  Again, easy.

I'm sorry.  This one isn't really a "manners" thing.  It's more of a human being thing.  Most people avoid saying this at all costs.  It can be an admission of guilt.  It can show you have feelings.  They just won't do it.  Life is hard, don't make it harder by not admitting your faults and correcting them.  Do something wrong? Eat the last donut as someone else comes up and reaches for one? Say it. Not rocket science.

I was also taught to treat people with a certain dignity, maybe even a certain degree elegance.  Different situations call for different measures.  At worst, treat people with civility.  I know this is hard in some circumstances, but trust me - it's worth it.

Sorry this one has been one continuous rant.  It's been pointed out to me that I have a tendency to rant, so I'll try to resolve that myself.

Until Next Time Dear Readers...

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Cliche You'll Hear the Most this Season and 90 Days Later...

Ready for it?

New Year, new you.  I'm not saying it's a bad sentiment, I'm saying it's entirely overused.  I'm starting month four of my body transformation, and I totally can relate to this saying.  I'm just not going to use it.  I'd rather say "New attitude, different me."  That sentence itself explains it pretty well.  My attitude towards diet, exercise and consistency has changed completely in the last three months.  This has caused some relationships I had to change.  This has caused my body to change.  This has caused my outlook on life to change.  I'm not new, I'm different - and to me, that's a lot better.

An update on my transformation - I'm at 184 lbs (my goal was 185) and I am at 17% body fat.  My goal is 13% or less.  I'm doing very well on my journey.  I've met new people, had some actually very meaningful conversations with individuals, and in the end I've came out better each time I left the gym than when I went in.

I think that the effort has been well worth it.  I've lost inches where I needed to and added inches where I wanted.  Hard work pays off, and I'm not stopping anytime soon.

There have been some questions sent in to me (It's been a month since I last updated, I know. I'm Sorry.), and I want to answer one of them, I'll answer more later.

I've had this question many times - More Weight, less reps or Less Weight More Reps?
My answer is yes.  As long as you're doing the reps, you're doing a lot better than doing nothing at all.  This harkens back to the thought that the best way to build muscle is to increase time under tension.  Well, I have news for you, you can do that no matter the weight or reps. Treat everything as a concentration exercise. Slow up, hold, slow down.  Sure it's harder, but that is the point.

So, there has been a lot going on lately in my life, other than the diet and exercise things.  I've met some new people and made some new friends.  I'm still holding to my philosophy of not dating.  When I meet someone that makes me seriously rethink that philosophy, and the relationship has the foundation for something truly special, then I will set aside that philosophy and test the water.  I'm cautious.  I've been hurt badly, a couple times actually.  I have everything I need in my life and most of the things I want, for which I am very lucky to have.

I have a rant.  If you know me, you know one of my pet peeves is fake people.  I've friends at this very moment I'm not too happy with.  If you tell me (or everyone) one thing, and then proceed to contradict yourself, don't be surprised if I refrain from speaking to you for a while.  I'm doing this to save the friendship because I have a tendency to be honest, even when people don't want to hear it.  I'm also doing this to see if the contradiction was an isolated incident or not.  Don't sacrifice your morals for a temporary (perceived) gain.  If you put anything before your morals and ideals, then you are saying that thing is more important, and your morals will crumble away.  Ok, I'm done.

I don't want to end this post on a rant, so I'll end on a different note.

January 9th.  It's a tough day.  My paternal grandparents both died on January 9th. Different years (He in 2006, and she in 2015) but always together. My grandfather and I were very close.  He could say just a few words and no matter my mood, I would always smile.  Whatever he was doing, as long as I could not get hurt, I could do it with him.  There were a couple of times he and I came up with some plans that didn't work out, but provided a good story to tell.  My grandmother was always very kind to me.  She would make the funniest (and yes, rude) remarks about people or things that were just so snarky and quick witted, that you almost were awestruck with admiration.  I miss them both a great deal.  That's why January 9th is a tough day.

I know, still not the greatest way to end a blog entry, but what can I say, thats life.

Until next time dear readers...