Thursday, March 14, 2019

Tattoos and Taboos

Tattoos, do I have any? Oh yes, I do.  Am I going to get more? Absolutely.

Tattooing has been around for almost ever.  There are plenty of opinions on the subject, and it makes it hard to distinguish some facts.  First of all, people from all walks of life have tattoos, there isn’t anything inherently evil or wrong about getting a tattoo, however, that is also dependent of the tattoo you are getting.

There has been (and probably will be for some time) a debate amongst Christians on whether or not it is a sin to get a tattoo.  For the side that thinks it is a sin, they will usually quote Leviticus 19:28 - "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourself".  Those that use this verse as their proof that it is wrong are actually misinformed or are taking it out of context.  

Our modern concept of tattooing isn’t actually addressed in the Bible, as it wasn’t really in practice at that time.  That verse is actually referring to a practice that was in use at that time, cutting, marking or gashing your own body for ritualistic purposes, used frequently while mourning the dead.  Instead of being called tattooing, it should really be called scarring or scarification, which is completely different that our modern definition of tattooing.

That being said, anything on your body that is sacrilegious would be a sin by all accounts, so basically, you have to use common sense to figure out if the tattoo you are getting is in direct defiance of your religious beliefs, so it should be a pretty cut and dry matter.  Often the simplest explanation is the best.

Back to my tattoos, well, I have a Batman Logo on my right shoulder, a Nightwing Logo on my left shoulder, a semi colon on my right inner wrist and a tear away revealing machinery on my right leg\calf.  Each one I have has a special meaning to me, even if it is silly, and not one of them violates any of my religious beliefs\morals.  As I said, I plan on getting more, but haven’t set in stone (or flesh) for sure what they are.  I want to get another tear away revealing machinery on my forearm, but I haven’t decided which yet.  I also want a lion on my chest (Leo’s gotta represent, right?).

Here are some good examples: 

I also have a very special tattoo planned that I am getting next, and it will be a matching tattoo that Cassie and I are both getting.  By far it will be my most emotional and meaningful tattoo.  Now, I hear an all too familiar comment very often, and it’s something like “You going to regret getting a tattoo when you are old and saggy.”  First off, the tattoos I’ve gotten so far and the ones for the future are not in locations that will actually “sag” that much, if at all, so that’s not a worry in my mind.  Now, about the old part?  I doubt that when I get old my biggest regret is going to be that Batman Has been on my shoulder all that time.  I also think of this couple when I hear the “old” argument come up:

I see no problems with tattoos as long as you stay true to who you are when you decide what the artist will do when they put the needle to your skin.

Your thoughts?

Look for a special podcast episode coming up soon, the first (of many hopefully) with an incredibly special guest.

Until next time, dear readers...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Lesson About Selfies

So, I take selfies.  Gym selfies specifically.  Over the past few years, some of my friends have given me a hard time about it, joking that I was being narcissistic.  I’m not, I swear.  Whether I post the selfies or not doesn’t really matter, I take them (but often post them).  It’s not about bragging about my progress, it’s not about wanting compliments, it’s nothing like that at all.

What is it about then? Motivation.  I take progress pictures of my body transformation on a regular basis.  I take body measurements, I compare only to myself, because I am only in competition with myself.  Do I have the biggest arms? The flattest stomach? An eight pack? Pecs that would make The Rock jealous? Of course not, nor do I expect to.  I have every expectation that I am making progress, and the best proof of that is photographic evidence of my journey.

My goal is to improve my physique and health by eating right, working out regularly and eliminating the unnecessary. I’m lucky enough to have two ladies in my life that will gladly go to the gym with me, and they have no idea how much that means to me.  I’ve mentioned it in a post before, but working out with a partner makes you more likely to push for that extra rep, or try that extra 10 pounds on the deadlift.

Every so often, my oldest daughter, Victoria, and I  will do a max out day.  It’s exactly what it sounds like.  We take turns pushing ourselves on all of our normal exercises.  She has impressed me quite a bit with her abilities, but she does something extremely well that I have some problems with.  Knowing her limitations. I push myself, and don’t get me wrong, she pushes herself too, but she knows when she has reached her max.  So, in contrast, I have a good feeling when I’ve hit my max, but I still try just a little more.  Now, you might be thinking this is a good thing, and to a certain degree it is, but it can also welcome injuries.  I know my body well enough to know when I need to stop, but having the ability to tell myself “Don’t try that” is hard sometimes.

My fiancĂ© and I will go workout together as well, and I can’t express enough how much she impresses me.  She has got the drive that most people only dream about.  When she starts a set, she finishes, or goes out trying.  She pushes herself to the point of exhaustion and it’s something that took me a while to get the hang of.  A lot of people won’t attempt that last rep of a set when it hurts.  They think, “oh that’s close enough” but in reality, you may make more gains from that last rep than the ones preceeding it.  She is aware that it will hurt.  She openly acknowledges it as a matter of fact.  She knows it will hurt, but she knows she will benefit from the pain, so, she presses on.  Absolutely amazing.

Now, back to the issue of selfies.  As I said, I get a lot of ribbing over my gym selfies, and I take it in stride.  I often play along with it, and here are a few examples of conversations that should show you that I don’t take myself all that seriously.

Friend: When taking my gym selfies, which hand should I use to take the picture?
Me: You right handed or left handed?

Friend:  What do I need to be thinking about to get that awesome expressionless look you have in your pics?
Me:  I pretend that I’m being attacked by a monster that can sense emotions, so I stop them.  All of them.

Friend:  What if someone else is around you or the mirror when you are ready to take your selfie?
Me:  Hand them your phone and tell them to take your picture.

Friend:  Geez, you sure like to look at yourself.
Me: Not really, but apparently you do, you’ve liked every selfie I’ve ever posted.
Friend:  Yes. Shut up.

So, as you can see, it’s silly stuff, but I welcome any and all comments, after all, I might need to be knocked down a few notches, you know, to #stayhumble.

Until next time, dear readers...

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Blushing Groom To Be

Well, if you are friends with me on Facebook or follow my Instagram you know the news.  I’m getting married!  It’s been a whirlwind of events lately, but everything is falling into place.

With that in mind, they say that everything has to fall apart to fall into place, and I do agree.  I mean, everything didn’t completely fall apart, but some things did, and those things allowed for everything to fall together.  I am incredibly happy right now.  While there are others who aren’t as happy as she and I are, eventually they will come around.

Now, I’m not the foremost authority on relationships, but I do know what I believe will work, and I have complete faith in this relationship.  I know that we will put our best efforts into ensuring a long and happy life together.  Really, isn’t that what everyone wants, to be happy?

You will not be able to make everyone happy all the time, so focus on a few, including yourself.  When you are happy with yourself, the sky is the limit on what you can do.  I’m not just throwing some words together to make a complete sentence, I mean it - the happier and more confident you are in yourself, the more it will show, and you will attract like minded people and be able to form some amazing, meaningful relationships.

After that ephinany, I should end the blog post, but I’m not.

The podcast will have another episode soon, just finding enough time to do it, and creating a semi-coherent agenda.

As most of you know, I’m a active representative\salesperson for the supplement company Redcon1.  I wouldn’t sell a product I don’t support, and I have honestly been able to see results since using it.  Feel free to ask me for samples, or ask me any questions you might have, and I’ll get back with you as soon as possible.  I will soon be recommending specific products on my blog, but not so much as trying to sell it as trying to help you with your gains (or loses if that’s your goal).  Look for them soon, and if you do want to order, use this link and\or discount code T20JRiggs.

Until Next Time Dear Readers...

Monday, March 4, 2019

Story Time

So, from last post to now a whole lot as happened, and with everything the way it is, it make me want to tell a story.  Sit back, relax and enjoy this tale of mine.

Imagine there is a man.  This man dated a woman.  This woman planned a surprise visit (she lived an hour or so away) on the man’s birthday.  The man had went through some hard times and was briefly staying with his parents.  The man’s mother wasn’t fond of the man’s girlfriend because her outward appearance was unconventional.  The man loved the woman for her, her appearance doesn’t mean a lot to him, although she was beautiful.  The man’s mother thought it was very forward for the lady to show up, although she had already discussed it with the woman, and the man’s sister.  They knew, it wasn’t a surprise to them.  It was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had.  The man’s mother decided to judge her without knowing everything about her and hearing her past, judged her on who she was, not who she is.  She isn’t the person she was, and the man isn’t the person he was, which for a very long time wasn’t in a good place.  Both the man and woman had pasts they weren’t proud of, but they did not let that define who they were now.

The man and woman had fallen deeply in love, and after a few months decided to move in together.  They found a place that would fit the woman’s children and the men’s children, as best as their budget would allow.  After another few months, keep in mind that the mans mother disliked the woman so bad, she did not want her or her children in her house.  It was very silly.

A few months later, the woman got pregnant.  The man wanted to avoid the drama of his mother’s reaction, so he chose not to tell her.  The man and woman were very happy, but she did not like the secrecy, and rightfully so.  Fast forward nine weeks, and they went to a doctor’s appointment.  The man and woman looked at the ultrasound screen in terror.  The doctor came in.  He informed that, yes, our baby was dead.  The precious life that they created was now in heaven.  It was too much for both of them.  They did not know how to react.  The woman decided to leave, go back to what she left before she met the man.  The man tried to find love, but he knew in his heart he still loved the woman.

A couple of months had went by, and things were bad enough that the woman realized, as she did when she left that she loved the man more than anything, and wanted to spend her life with him, and no other man.  The man left his girlfriend, the woman left the other man, and they reunited.  The mans mother still did not like the woman.  The man’s mother still had not tried to get to know the woman.  The future for the man and woman is solid, they know what they want and they deal with people naysaying on a regular basis.  They have hurt some people along the way, and they are not unfeeling towards what they have done.  They regret some actions, but they are working to rebuild some of the trust they lost during that time.  They are willing to prove their love, they do plan to spend the rest of their life together.  The man is upset with his mother, but his ex-wife is harassing him as well.

The man’s ex-wife, who has since remarried, to the boy that she cheated on the man with, has now stuck her nose into the man’s business.  She says she doesn’t want the children that they had together to be around the woman.  The ex-wife is upset because when she was married to the man, she could control him, as she is a very, very controlling person.  Now that she can’t control the man, it frustrates her to no end, so she tries to use their children as a tool to hurt him.  She doesn’t want their children around the woman, but she has never sat down and talked with her, she is judging only appearance.  The ex-wife is petty and a fool.  The ex-wife has no say on this and it is driving her to the point of calling the man and spending 5 minutes or so screaming and cursing at the top of her lungs at him. The man is not afraid of her, because she is a small person, and small people think only of themselves.

The man and the woman are happy.  All of their children are happy.  They are safe.  They are home.  The man loves the woman, and the woman loves the man.  There love is never ending but forever growing.  No matter what anyone says, they know that together they are stronger that their struggles.

End of Story, for now...

Sorry for the length on this post, but take what you will from this post, that’s all i can say.

Until next time, dear readers...