Sunday, April 21, 2019

Truths Be Told Here

OK, so being honest is one of the best traits a person can have.  Honesty is always the best route to take, even if it hurts.  Why does it hurt though when we tell the truth?  Sometimes when we tell the truth it may hurt others feelings, but if you lie to them, you are not only delaying that hurt, but making it a lot worse because that person will know you lied to them when they find out the truth.  Sometimes we lie for our own personal reasons, almost a self preservation mechanism.  For instance, children will often lie when asked if they did something wrong, even if they did it right in front of you.  It almost seems like deception is in our nature, but with work and perseverance, you can win that battle.  Here are a few truths (with my now famous “no explanation” list):

  1. I don’t always call people back.
  2. M&Ms are my go-to cheat snack. They will be the death of me.
  3. As much as I try not to, I will let some people down, and it hurts deeply each time.
  4. I have a very small circle of very close friends, and a medium circle of great friends.
  5. I worked in a call center for a flower company for a week, but the callers were way too negative for me.
  6. I love photography.
  7. My goal is to be a personal trainer full time.
  8. I don't always smile, but that doesn't mean I'm unhappy.
  9. I have cut my left knee open twice, once when I was 4 and once when I was 12.
  10. I have a fondness for all superheroes, but I specifically have a Batman complex.
  11. I have five tattoos, with plans for more.
I know, kind of random, but sometimes my brain is random.  As always, you can send me all your comments, questions, or concerns, directly to me at  And for those of you wondering about the next podcast, hold on tight, it is in the works.

Until next time, dear readers...

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