I am still angry with her for, in my opinion, not doing the right thing and letting me have my property, but I have to accept that that is the way she is, and always was. I have forgiven her at this point. I am still a bit bitter about a lot of things that happened, but dwelling on them, and the past is only making my present and future depressing. That means that I no longer expect her to act any way other than she always has. I forgive her for blaming everyone but herself for any problems. I understand that she can’t mentally handle being the bad guy.
Now, I’m not saying any of this to put her name in the mud, no, this story isn’t about her, it’s about me and it’s about you. I know my situation with my ex-wife isn’t the worst one that someone could be in, but for my it was bad, and for me to finally figure out after 4 years that it isn’t about her, it’s about me. Putting the past in the past isn’t easy sometimes, but for you to have a healthy, bright future, it is necessary. If I can do it, trust me you can too.
When they say forgiving someone is a gift, not for them, but for you, they are absolutely correct.
Until next time, dear readers...